Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Beware the Ides of March!!!

Well it's nearly 4pm on the afternoon of the 15th - and yes, I'm still here. I haven't been stricken by some awesome illness, or been hit by the "Number 11" bus. Or should that be Bendybus? Good ol' Ken.
In fact, today has been most uplifting. As ever, met some talented individuals at Steve Blacknell's amazing Network Experience. This group which meets in London's West End is full of media people looking for new opportunities. It's a a great forum for sharing ideas and telling a few dodgy jokes. You know, one never knows who one is going to meet - people seem to appear at the right time to solve a problem or to introduce you to a new idea. The power of networking. Never knock it!!

The photo is one of me outside Valencia railway station in the summer of 2003. The weather when I went back there a couple of weeks ago was somewhat different! ( Did you notice the Valencia orange? )

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