Tips On How To Begin Your Presentation.
London, UK
Depending on the type of audience and situation one is talking at, there are many ways to start a speech or presentation. Speaker Jason Peck outlines some of the best techniques for those occasions.
Ed. Another way is to start your speech with "the middle of your speech". Then do your introductions after a minute or so of content. This "delayed-drop" method can be effective.
I never would have thought of that! [Your tip, I mean.] We could do with you over here, Jeremy. There is no "signposting " in speeches at all here and you think they will never end!
Tx Pat.
I usually advise straight in with a rhetorical question to the audience or an anecdote, then hit them with a stat and go to the body of your talk, point by point but no more than four all up in one go. Another light relief and then you can do another four points.
Thanks James. We ought to have a chat at some point.
Your birthday today, Jeremy? Happy Birthday!
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