Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last day of 2008

London, UK

and it's freezing

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Radio Presenter News

London, UK

Former TalkSport presenter Jon Gaunt is suing his former employer after being sacked in November. You can read the full story here

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How To Do An Interview In A Foreign Country

London, UK

Just four years ago, I spent some time in Cuba. Those cars are something else - watch this report from CNN.

Top Hollywood Stars

London, UK

Inevitably, I've been asked by a curious few, whose the most striking looking female film star you've spoken to for LSQ TV in the past year? Apart from some well known names, I think the two that stand out for me are Nazanin Boniadi and Lake Bell. Here's Nazanin at the premiere of Iron Man:

Lake appeared with Ashton Kutcher at the premiere of What Happens In Vegas:

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Top 10 Prophecies for 2009

London, UK

Before I outline my top 10 prophecies for 2009,let's see what I wrote this time last year about prophecies for 2008

Here are eight of those prophecies:

1. Arsenal to win the Premiership in England. - Wrong

2. Political unrest in China ahead of Olympic Games in Peking. - Correct

3. A Hollywood film star will die unexpectedly. - Heath Ledger

4. Some type of natural disaster in Central or South America. - Wrong

5. Republican Candidate to win the race for the White House. - Wrong

6. More terrorist atrocities in Middle East and elsewhere. - Mumbai, Sderot

7. Madeliene McCann will be found in Morocco or Algeria. - Wrong (so far)

8. Unrest in Belgium. - Could be argued

OK, here's my TOP 10 PROPHECIES FOR 2009:

A. Liverpool to win Premiership
B. Major car manufacturer to go under
C. Conservatives shatter Labour in an autumn general election
D. Sterling will bounce back in 2009
E. Major earthquake in southern hemisphere will kill thousands
F. Political change in Iran
G. Leading sports personality dies unexpectedly
H. U.S. President has mystery illness
I. Major train crash in France
J. Renowned world leader dies

Saturday, December 20, 2008

David Beckham on Italian Sky Sports

London, UK

You may have heard that there's been a bit of bother over the proposed interview between
David Beckham and the gorgeous Ilaria D'Amico of Italian Sky Sports. Apparently, Victoria doesn't want her hubby to chat with "Italy's sexiest sports presenter" according to newspaper reports. Victoria may have seen photos of Ilaria on the internet. Point is, if she can't trust her husband why stick with him?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

How To Be Professional On TV

London, UK

Just found this clip on You Tube. The American tv presenter inadvertently uses a profanity but gets away with it. No apologies, no red-faced embarrassment, she was just being professional.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How to Get On In Sales

London, UK

Following the success of Communicate With Clarity, People have been asking when the next seminar will be held and is Geoff Burch joining you again?
The simple answer is that I plan to run more during 2009 and will advertise the dates in due course. Keep checking in at my other site Jeremy Jacobs and my Facebook page.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Miss World 2008

London, UK

Who remembers Michael Aspel interviewing the Miss World contestants on the BBC years ago? Nowadays, I'm not sure whether it would give a male tv presenter street-cred or vilification in today's "pc" world.

This year's contest was won by Kseniya Sukhinova from Siberia.

How To Make The Right Impression

London, UK

Annoying things I find about presenters and public-speakers are that they can talk too quickly, have a nervous laugh and sometimes apologise. Why? Lack of preparation, over-confidence, lack of self-esteem? Alan Stevens the Media Coach gets to grips with "sorry" business

I've seen far too many speakers who make self-denigrating opening remarks. OK, the best person to tell a story against is yourself, but don't do it right at the start of your speech. Worst of all, in my view, is the person who wanders on, looking hunched and nervous, handles the mike as though it's a poisonous snake, and then says "I'm not very good at this, and my speech isn't very well prepared"
(see the entire blogpost here)

Nervousness and speaking too quickly, in my view go hand-in-hand. Here a piece I posted on my other site a year ago:
December 4th, 2007
Tips to improve your communication
Posted in Public Speaking, Personal Development, UK at 10:52 am by Jeremy Jacobs

Last night at Riverside Communicators, a member of the audience remarked on something I posted a few months ago on this site. The discussion we had in the Eel Pie pub after the meeting was centred around clarity of speech. Speaking at the right pace certainly helps as that previous post pointed out. How about that for an alliteration?
Here’s the article reproduced in full
20+ Tips to improve your communication

Depending on your line of work your rate of speech can vary. When I’m broadcasting on the radio, it can vary further still. A news bulletin can be around 120 to 130 words per minute. On the other hand, when reporting on a live sports event, that rate can go to 170 wpm or higher.
When conductiong a sales appointment or job interview, it’s very important you remain calm, collected and in control. In those instances, it’s a case of the slower the better.
Whilst I was working with the well known Japanese copier manufacturer in the 1980’s, I attended a special one-day course of the power of telephone sales. I’ve never forgotten these immortal words:
6 As a representative of your company
12 on the telephone, it is important
18 that you speak clearly. That means
24 you must articulate. It also means
32 that you must speak so that you can
38 be understood. Although there is no
44 set rate of speech, most expert
50 speakers talk at between one hundred
56 forty and one hundred sixty words
63 per minute. That is a good speed
68 for telephone communication. It is
75 not too fast to be understood and
82 it does not give the listener the
88 impression that you are under pressure.
93 Nor is it too slow.
100 The one hundred sixty word rate adds
107 an element of dignity to your voice.
114 The one hundred sixty word rate also
122 gives a sound image to the caller that
128 establishes both you and your company
134 as efficient and well-organized. To
141 give the caller the kind of impression
148 of yourself and of your company
154 you wish, speak correctly, speak at
160 one hundred and sixty - that’s one
165 hundred sixty words per minute.

Interviewing Politicians

London, UK

You may have seen Sir John Major on Andrew Marr's programme yesterday morning. I would have loved to have presented the show and interviewed him.

The UK could be facing a very bleak 2009 as the former Prime Minister explained. "I fear we are going to have an avalanche of job losses in the first three or four months of next year" but I particuarly liked his scathing attack on Gordon Brown blaming him for the economic "train wreck" facing Britain as the country faced its worst financial crisis since the end of the war. Accusing Labour of having "squandered" the benign economic conditions they inherited in 1997, he said: ``They have spent and spent and spent. It's a frightening scenario.''

Sir John insisted that the relatively warm public response to the Prime Minster's handling of the economic crisis would not last as the recession began to bite more deeply, going on to criticise measures taken by the Government so far, such as the recent cut in VAT .

He said: ``The concept that Gordon Brown, who has been Chancellor for 10 years and Prime Minister for one and presided over this train wreck is the person to put right what he got wrong strikes me as being ironic to say the least.

``If a burglar has ransacked your house, you don't normally invite him back to fix the security locks.

Friday, December 12, 2008

How To Be A Confident Presenter And Speaker

London, UK

The answer maybe to take a step back and reflect on your good fortune. Take this blog post entry from Jennifer Jones, author of "How To Tell If A Guy Is A Jerk" and "Goodness Graciousness".

Thursday, December 11, 2008

December Media Blog Grab

London, UK

Someone called me yesterday a blogging mad presenter and speaker. The truth hurts!

Here's what I've noticed this week:

The dashing Neville Hobson remarks about Le Web 08

Andrew Grill and the mobile society

Simon Cowell embarrassed. Really, well I never.

December watchables on Channel 4

Kate Winslet, does the future hold great gongs for her?

and finally, Iain Dale and the wonder woman of politics

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

TV Presenting For Business

London, UK

You will have seen other posts about business-guru, Geoff Burch on this blog and over at my other website. Very shortly on BBC2, Geoff continues presenting his hit tv show, All Over The Shop. Each episode has attracted over 2 million viewers. This must prove that Geoff is hitting a nerve with small businessmen and retailers alike.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Best Of Leicester Square TV (3)

London, UK

One of the first Premieres covered by LSQ TV was The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, starring Johnny Depp. Claire Bueno and Jeremy Jacobs are the presenters.

The British Comedy Awards

London, UK

The LSQ TV "fan-cam" was out last night to capture Eva Mendes and Alec Baldwin arriving for last night's award ceremony.

Friday, December 05, 2008

The Best Of Leicester Square TV 2008 (2)

London, UK

Watch as Jeremy Jacobs and Catherine Whale meet the celebs at the premiere of Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging. Alan Davies was cool.

Twilight Premiere

London, UK

Newbie girl presenter Kiri was in the Square for the premiere of Twilight.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Best Of Leicester Square TV 2008

London, UK

Back in April, Cat and I were at the UK Premiere of What Happened In Vegas, starring Ashton Kutcher (Demi Moore's other half) and Cameron Diaz. Unfortunately, Cameron wasn't there having just lost her father:

Monday, December 01, 2008

How to Increase Your Earnings

London, UK

A re-post from a few weeks ago:

By attending my Seminar on telephone cold-calling, you will learn how to be more effective on the phone. You'll get more quality appointments and new customers.

Details of the Seminar can be found at the Communicate With Clarity website. Or, you can register straight away by going to the booking website here. Details can also be found on Facebook here and here

The first session takes place on the morning of November 11th at Barnet Football Club. The location is just a few minutes walk from High Barnet tube station on the Northern Line. If you're travelling by car, there's plenty of free parking space available at the ground.

You'll see that the second session is being held on December 2nd. Guest speaker will be business guru, Geoff Burch. Some of you may have seen the first two episodes of his BBC2 tv series "All Over The Shop"

Sunday, November 30, 2008

How To Film Celebrities

London, UK

Well the simple answer is to turn up with a camera at an event. A few days ago, the LSQ "fan-cam" was out at the opening of the Ugg Australia Boot Store in Covent Garden. Here's the footage together with a list of the celebs seen.

London: 26 November 2008
Flash Alert! Flash Alert!

A short trip along to Covent Garden this evening for this capturadora. It was the launch of Ugg's new store there. Ugg sells those elegant, comfy, fleecy-lined boots that are so popular with celebs, and what better launch than have a whole lot of celebs come along to drum up some great PR. No fans asking for signatures at this one, but dozens of paps and that means flash-o-rama and that affects the quality of the video when hundreds of strobes fire into the lens. An enjoyable evening!

Celebs in attendance:
Summer Strallen
Daisy De Villeneuve
Tamzin Outhwaite
Imogen Lloyd Webber and Hannah Sandling
Lisa Morris
Pearl Lowe
Sandi Thom
Mica Paris
Henry Conway and Charlotte Dutton
Amy Molyneaux
Martin Freeman
Gabriella Calthorpe
Jodie Kidd
Scarlett Johnson

How To Get Famous On The Internet

London, UK

There's no easy way. Blogging like any other activity requires determination, discipline and lots of toil and sweat. Linking to other bloggers and recommending their services, products or just their blog postings is a tried and tested method. One such blogger is "Last Of The Few" by Theo Spark. This underestimated and successful UK blogger now attracts of 60,000 monthly hits. That's nearly as many as the highly successful Iain Dale's Diary

I'm grateful to Theo for advertising my telephone sales seminar called Communicate With Clarity. I've posted about it heavily on my other site and am delighted that business-guru Geoff Burch is coming along as guest speaker. Geoff's smash hit TV programme "All Over The Shop" continues this Tuesday evening on BBC2 at 7.30pm.

Presenting on Television

London, UK

Can be difficult at times. Take this poor chap!

Even rehearsing your lines until you are blue in the face won't always help you getting it right to camera.

Friday, November 28, 2008

How To Interview A TV Star

London, UK

Another excellent evening for Leicester Square Television at the Jermyn Street Theatre this week. I managed to catch up with Eastenders star, Scott Maslen(Jack). He was in the West End to support Peter Dunne and the cast of The Dreamers Of Inishdara.

Co-presenter Thomas had earlier caught up with Peter Dunne and Patricia Quinn.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Demi Moore on LSQ TV

London, UK

Whilst I was interviewing Scott Maslen from Eastenders over at the Jermyn Street Theatre last night, the LSQ "fan-cam" was out and about elsewhere in the West End. Away from Leicester Square was the premiere of Flawless, starring Demi Moore who was there with hubby Ashton Kutcher. Here's the clip:

London: 26 November 2008
Flash Alert! Flash Alert!
A non-Leicester Square premiere tonight over at Odeon on Shaftesbury Avenue. Demi brought hubby Ashton Kutcher along tonight. They're the biggest stars visiting London tonight and thus are the focus for the photographing community, some of whom brought along their motor bikes so they could maximise tonight's production. A few fans were able to get front-row spots to get what few autographs were available. I was a couple of rows back due to covering the UGG Australia, Covent Garden store opening (see the video at elizabethtoni channel on You Tube)so you can get a sense of how busy it was. The scores of flash-equipped paps lit up the street when the perfect couple arrived and there was a real crush due to the lack of space and crowds of fans, photographers and passers-by who happened along for this once in a lifetime experience.

Stars in attendance:
Demi Moore
Natalie Dormer
Joss Ackland
Nathaniel Parker

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Only 7% of our communication is conveyed by words

London, UK

Do you agree with the thrust of Alan Stevens post which says - "Only 7% of our communication is conveyed by words (38% tone of voice, 55% body language)"

I side with Alan. You can dress like a tailor's dummy, have the smoothest, sexiest voice but as a presenter or speaker, the content of what you say is key.
In recent times, I've been on courses and have attended talks where the "7% rule" is rammed down people's throats by so-called "public-speaking **experts". Don't believe a word of it. Content, appearance and voice-tone are as important as each other.

** "ex" as in has been, "spurt" as in drip under presssure.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Presenting & Networking (R)

London, UK

By special request, I'm re-posting this popular piece from last year:

Monday, March 24, 2008
Presenting and Networking

London, UK

My discussion with Andy Lopata on the radio earlier this month centred around "how to network correctly". It was a great radio show with plenty of positive feedback. In a couple of weeks time, another great networker and marketing/media guru, Jonathan Gabay will be joining me in the radio studio at JCom. Jonathan, Andy and I are great room workers, unlike Mr Buffoon, Mr Large and Mr Nerd. Read this from an article posted on this blog last July:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
3 ways to ruin your chances at Business Networking

Earlier today, I attended a networking meeting in Central London, run by a well known organisation. There were around 100 or so people there from a variety of businesses. Many were interesting and good listeners, some less so but there were three individuals who really ought to learn the fundamentals of *networking. Here's those 3 "no noes" for starters:

TIP 1. Do not barge in on a "closed two".

Scene: I was in conversation with an executive of a well known company. All of a sudden from my left and overweight gentleman with an absurd tie said "hello" and started to ask a question of the executive. No rapport building or politeness. He even had the temerity to ask me to hold his glass of red wine. I put it on the nearest table, made an excuse and left the poor executive to handle "Mr Buffoon".

TIP 2. Never peer at name badges.

Scene: Two women and I were discussing business opportunities when we were approached by "Mr Nerd". He leant towards us three, peered at our name badges, then scuttled away after rambling on for a minute or so about the services he offered. Needless to say, my two new friends and I were most unimpressed. The title on his business card said "Head of Sales".

TIP 3. Remain sober and listen.

Scene: The three of us were joined by a fourth and things were going along really well until "Mr Large" turned up. Perhaps I should call him Mr Me, because that's all he was interested in - himself. Also, he was clearly drunk, rude and bellicose.

All three of these people, in my opinion, behaved in a socially inadequate manner. The Golden Rule of networking is to exhibit unconditional giving.

Posted by Jeremy Jacobs at Monday, March 24, 2008

Labels: radio, radio broadcasting, UK


Cris Zimermann said...

How about the women? Do they 'behave' better?

It's always nice when I see you around, Jeremy, tks for visiting me. Cheers, mate,
Monday, March 24, 2008
Jeremy Jacobs said...

Of course they do!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Nick R Thomas said...

Hi Jeremy,

Great blog. As far as the third type is concerned, they may still be giving. I could never see the point of networking with competitors but I recently read a very good business book where the author said that it's useful when these people drink too much because they let useful information slip which they would certainly keep to themselves when sober!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Colin Campbell said...

I learned a lot from my days of business networking. I met most of these characters. Nowadays, most of my networking is by doing a good job. I rarely have to go and pitch to new clients or partners. No doubt that will roll around again when I have a different role.

Over eager people are the worst.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Jeremy Jacobs said...

Ah, the over-eager. Met one the other week. Terrible!
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Top Presenter to re-appear on the BBC

London, UK

So it looks as though tv presenter Jonathan Ross will be seen on BBC early next year, so I wonder though what sort of reaction he'll get from the general public.
No news though on Russell Brand's future.

Ross safe after phone prank

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How To Get Known On The Internet

London, UK

Last year, I was given a mention of the Just Giving blog. Here's what they had to say:

So are Justgiving users doing this? Yes. Have a look at Jeremy's blog. He has got everything and his fundraising page and blog work together seamlessly to keep all of his readers and sponsors up to date with his challenge. Follow his example and you'll spend less time chasing up your data, and your sponsors will feel more connected to your event.

Internet-guru Graham Jones goes further. He recommends you turn yourself into a brand. Read this. In short, blog every day, link to social bookmarks and other bloggers.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Media Blog Grab

London, UK

Ellee on the tragedy in Haringey

Jon Snow on Palin at the Guardian Media Blog

Paul Bradshaw on how to get it right in social media communities.

PR Media Blog on Twitter, Tweets and Twits!

Neville Hobson
and his top PR blogs

Simon Wakeman on getting a job in PR

More Twitter stuff at Mashable

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Doing A Piece To Camera

London, UK

You'll see this sort of thing on television most days. Whether a news item or presenting a documentary-style piece, rehearsing one's lines can be tricky to get right first time. Here's me caught on camera last year in Central London:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Tristar TV

London, UK

You may have already seen the post about Tristar TV on my other site here. Apart from the impressive new website they've got a great set-up at their Home Counties location just off the M1.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Crisis Communication

London, UK

Graham Jones recently posted this about the Jonathan Ross/Russell Brand affair. Graham criticises the BBC for dragging its feet whilst those 27,000 complaints rolled in to the Corporation's switchboard.

Jonathan Ross, Russell Brand and your web site

Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand are at the centre of a perfect storm - it's got everything; sex, money, jealousy, a grandfather, an attractive young woman, an iconic corporation, stardom, - the list goes on. However, it's a story that could have been knocked on the head within hours, rather than allowing it to drag on for almost two weeks.

It was a stupid prank, a juvenile stunt and an indication of weakening editorial standards within the BBC. But while the world is suffering recession, people are being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the USA is about to select the most powerful man in the world, two so-called "comedians" have dominated the news agenda in the UK for days on end. Why?

The reason is simple; a complete mis-handling of the crisis by the BBC top brass. They have dithered, delayed and danced around the issue, rather than being decisive. Research on crisis communications has shown consistently that what we want is immediate, decisive action that shows the bosses understand our perspective. When a company is in the doo-doo we expect the boss to act immediately. We expect the boss to see it from our perspective - not the company's. We expect the communication to be consistent and swift.

What have the BBC given us? Bosses that remained silent for over 10 days, bosses that disagreed with each other in public and bosses that were telling us about their internal perspective. Indeed, it's taken almost a fortnight for the Director General to say a word - that's a resignation offence in itself. In other words, the BBC that reports week-in, week-out on the crises of other companies has shown it does not even understand the principles of crisis communications itself. That's the real issue here - how inept the top brass at the BBC have revealed themselves to be. They have allowed a rather silly and embarrassing event to escalate into a full-scale disaster for the organisation. People wonder why we are spending money on "talent" like Jonathan Ross, but I wonder why we are spending money on such poor management and a clear lack of leadership.

To read the rest of Graham's article, go here

Saturday, November 08, 2008

How To Interview Celebrities

London, UK

Last Thursday at the New Players Theatre, there was plenty of opportunity to chat to some. Vox-pops were obtained from: Richard O'Brien(who made a guest appearance in Burlesque-esque), Helen Lederer, Paul Gambaccini and even London politician, Simon Hughes. Here's the footage from Leicester Square Television

Two to watch out for are Peter Rae and jazz pianist Anthony Strong.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Return of Jonathan Ross

London, UK

Can't believe this story from Digital Spy.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Inspiring Political Speeches

London, UK

Martin Luther-King's "I have a dream" speech was shown at the end of the ITN news earlier this evening. A political commentator recently said that Luther-King walked so Obama can run. Whatever your views, just how inspiring do you find the speech from 40 years ago:

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Presenting Russell Brand

London, UK

Last night, I was asked once again, "why do you have Russell Brand on your showreel"? My reply, "why not"?

Just because Russell has resigned from his BBC Radio 2 show doesn't mean he'll never return to host a radio show or present on the BBC. Russell Brand is a brilliant comedian and he'll soon bounce back from the "Wozzagate" affair.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Public Speaking in Action

London, UK

I've already waxed lyrical about Geoff Burch's smooth tv presenting style, so here's another plug concerning his appearance on December 2nd at Barnet Football Club

Friday, October 31, 2008

Presenting to Win

London, UK

Alan Stevens, the mediacoach has a number of free articles available. This is one of them. If you are a presenter or like presenting you'll find Alan's article very useful.

Presenting to win

Your whole body is trembling with fear - but a stiff drink won’t help. Your voice has almost disappeared – but you don’t need a doctor. Your mind has gone completely blank – but you haven’t developed amnesia. The real reason? - you’re just about to make a presentation.

One of the certainties of corporate life is that you will be asked to make presentations, and the outcome could have far-reaching effects. Perhaps this is why many people show symptoms of blind panic when the dread day dawns. However, being given the opportunity to sell an idea, promote a business, or close a sale is something that you should jump at – so what’s the answer?

Very few of us are natural presenters. As Mark Twain used to say “It takes three weeks to prepare a good ad-lib speech”. Fortunately, learning how to become a competent speaker takes a lot less time than that, so find yourself a good trainer, and follow some simple rules.

The first consideration is your audience. You will be judged a success if they leave feeling that their time spent listening to you was worthwhile. Find out as much as you can about them; how many will be there? what are their interests? what went down well before? Imagine yourself in their shoes – what would you like to hear?

Your subject matter may have been pre-determined, but you’ll often be given a free hand. Give it a persuasive title – not “A survey of Anglo-German business readiness”, but “Companies from Germany that want your business”. Now consider the structure of your talk – it’s as important as the content. It’s a cliché, but the “business sandwich” (Tell them what’s coming, tell them about it, tell them what you told them) really works – so stick to it.

When you’ve put your talk together (often in the dreaded PowerPoint, of which more later), simplify it by taking out half of the content. Then try to take out half of what’s left. There – that’s better – now you have a good chance of getting your core message across (you do have a core message, don't you?).

Now – rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. The idea is not to learn your script by heart, but to ensure that you don’t look surprised when you turn over the next cue card. If you’re at all nervous, don’t write your notes on A4 sheets of paper – they amplify your trembling fingers both visually and aurally. Use low-tech file cards with a title and no more than four brief points. Punch a hole in the corner and tie them together with string – you might just drop them.

Now, if you must use PowerPoint (and I know many of you do), then use it to help, not confound, your audience. Never, ever, read your slides out – assume that all of your audience can read perfectly well. Keep your slides very simple. Put a blank slide between each section of your talk, so that you have the audience’s full attention. And be prepared to carry on even if the PC or projector fails.

Visit the venue beforehand, and make friends with the technician. If there’s a change of speakers, you’ll need someone you can trust to ensure a smooth transition.

Finally, check everything, and then check it again. At the launch of a new people carrier a few years ago, the vehicle was driven on stage by the CEO with three board directors as passengers. Unfortunately, none of them knew how to open doors fitted with childproof locks. Cue tears of laughter from the assembled hacks. Couldn’t happen to you though, could it?

MediaCoach™ is a division of WaringWell Ltd, a coaching and training organisation specialising in all areas of communications, including public speaking, career development, customer care and media expertise. Company No. 4561268. Registered Office 18 Forest Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 1DX, UK

The MediaCoach logo is a registered trademark, No. 2438651

Copyright © WaringWell Ltd. 2000 - 2008. All rights reserved. Privacy policy & Copyright Information

Thursday, October 30, 2008

How To Increase Your Earnings in Just 6 Hours

London, UK

By attending my Seminar on telephone cold-calling, you will learn how to be more effective on the phone. You'll get more quality appointments and new customers.

Details of the Seminar can be found at the Communicate With Clarity website. Or, you can register straight away by going to the booking website here. Details can also be found on Facebook here and here

The first session takes place on the morning of November 11th at Barnet Football Club. The location is just a few minutes walk from High Barnet tube station on the Northern Line. If you're travelling by car, there's plenty of free parking space available at the ground.

You'll see that the second session is being held on December 2nd. Guest speaker will be business guru, Geoff Burch. Some of you may have seen the first two episodes of his BBC2 tv series "All Over The Shop"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How to construct a speech

London, UK

Last week at my Toastmasters International speaking club, London Corinthians I spoke on how to construct a speech. Every speech ought to have a beginning, middle and end. Here's some of the write up from the club's newsletter:

Finally, our fourth speaker of the evening was Jeremy Jacobs with an Advanced Speech entitled ‘How to construct a speech’ here he gave us a very insightful and informative training session on how to construct a speech. A successful speech requires a sound structure from the beginning, the middle to the end. He advised us to make a statement at the beginning of our speech. To include facts and opinion in the middle through, to having a summary or a call to action at the end. Unless, you are very good Jeremy states, don’t make a joke and keep away from politics, religion or sex. Always keep the audience engaged, it’s not about you, it’s all about them.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross to quit BBC?

London, UK

Both of these two presenters have featured on my two sites in recent times. Russell Brand even appears in my current presenter showreel and I wrote this about Jonathan last year.

Like Iain Dale, I don't think you can completely blame the two for what's happened but the number of complaints about their telephonic misdemeanour received by the BBC has risen to over 10000. This could become a real problem for the Beeb. Question is, will the two presenters be forced to quit the national broadcaster?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Simon Jordan on Leicester Square Television

London, UK

Crystal Palace Chairman, Simon Jordan, was on the red-carpet at the weekend. He was there as producer for Telstar. This "most London of films at the London Film Festival", according to director, Nick Moran had it's World Premiere at the LFF. You can see Simon at 5.05" by clicking here

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Media Blog Grab

London, UK

The Guardian Film Blog on "W" which had it's UK Premiere at the London Film Festival

Women & Hollywood Blog
on Women at the Box Office
PR Media Blog on Sex Surveys
Euan Temple
on The Social Media Classroom
Robert Scoble on Economic Optimism
and finally, Adam Tinworth on his recent visit to Web 2.0 in Berlin

"That's A Funky Camera"

London, UK

........said Hollywood "A-lister" Benecio Del Toro at the London Film Festival last night. He was one of several stars who we managed to catch up with on the final weekend of the London Film Festival

The way to get a good response from stars and celebrities on the red-carpet is this:

a. Try and be original with your questions. Don't just ask "tell me about your character"

b. Don't be afraid to be a little bit provocative from time to time.

c. Ask something about their hobbies, likes or dislikes. They are, after all, human beings like you and me.

Here's the LSQ TV footage from last night for you to enjoy:

Friday, October 24, 2008

How to be a successful blogger

London, UK

Iain Dale explains how to make it as a top blogger. This interview was recorded at the beginning of 2008.

I Wanna London Woman Wife

London, UK

"The beauty about my job is that you never know what happens next" - viewers of my latest showreel will be aware of that comment. And you know something, it's true. Just take a look at this from the Frieze Art Fair last weekend at Regents Park:

How to be a compelling tv presenter

London, UK

Did you see Geoff Burch in action last Tuesday on BBC2? His tv series, All Over The Shop had a viewing audience in the millions. If you missed it, then you have another opportunity to see it here on the BBC iPlayer

Geoff must have really connected with viewers, as his website has been inundated with requests from small businesses asking for help. This proves one thing at least - that his message struck a nerve with many of you.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Penelope Cruz at the London Film Festival

London, UK

Quite jealous of my co-presenter, Rhiannon. She was with the LSQ TV crew who were in Leicester Square for the UK Premiere of Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Specialist Speakers

London, UK

You maybe interested to know that I'm now doing some blogging for Specialist Speakers. This is the speakers agency who represent Geoff Burch and Iain Dale.

As you will have seen here and at Jeremy, Geoff Burch has a new tv series which starts this Tuesday, October 21st on BBC2 at 7.30pm. Details of the programme are up at the Specialist Speakers blog here

John Hurt and Paul Greengrass

.........were amongst the stars last night on the fourth day of the London Film Festival. It was great to chat to Paul Greengrass (Dir. Bourne Supremacy, United 93, Bourne Ultimatum)and John Hurt

Others on the red-carpet were Matthew MacFadyen(Incendiary), Sharon Maguire (Dir. Incendiary) and former ITV presenter, Jim Rosenthal.

Here's the LSQ TV footage:

Jeremy is our host for day four of the 52nd BFI London Film Festival. First up is our intro then Les Plages d'Agnès director Agnes Vida (0:16). Next film is Incendiary (4:10), Jim Rosenthal (4:13), Dan Kitwood (7:00), Paul Greengrass (5:56), director Sharon Maguire (8:16), Matthew Macfadyen (10:16). The Class director Laurent Cantet (10:58), John Hurt (12:05), Paul Greengrass response to Incendiary (13:00). Of Time and the City director Terence Davies (14:12), outro (15:30). Russell did camera. Ian handled post.

Joe Craig

London, UK

Here's another piece from the LSQ TV archive. Author Joe Craig is interviewed by me back in April:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Frieze Art Fair

London, UK

Presenting from the Frieze Art Fair earlier today:

The Times BFI 52nd London Film Festival

London, UK

Click here to see the latest LSQ TV footage from the Festival.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Shooting Film Stars

London, UK

Ryan Phillippe, Sam Riley & Eva Green at Franklyn premiere

The LSQ TV "fan-cam" was in attendance for the UK Premiere of Franklyn. Amongst the stars was Eva Green whose been captured on film by LSQ TV on a few occasions over the last year.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


London, UK

My co-presenter, Catherine Whale presents Frost/Nixon from the London Film Festival. LSQ TV will be covering the Festival so check back here and the LSQ TV website.

Sir David Frost is at 11.40 and Ron Howard is at 11.49

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Political Speeches

London, UK

Nigel Farage, UKIP leader spoke to a fringe meeting of the Bruges Group at the Conservative Party conference. What do you like about his delivery?

Clearly a conviction politician, Farage comes across as a forceful public speaker but does he engage you?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Europe's Most Exciting Business Speaker

London, UK

Geoff Burch is one of the best speakers around and I'm delighted he's joining me at Communicate With Clarity on December 2nd.

Geoff has delighted business audiences for years. Here's a taste of what you can expect on December 2nd at Barnet Football Club.

To book your place on December 2nd, enter your details HERE

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cry me A River - Julie London

London, UK

Many prefer the Ella Fitzgerald version but I like this one

Friday, October 10, 2008

Self Promotion by Vlogging

London, UK

Vlogs can be instructional, funny and entertaining.

I suppose you could say one's presenter showreel is a type of vlog. Perhaps the next version will have a piece to camera from the Northern Line!

This Week's Media Blog Grab

London, UK

FreshNetworks on getting your new on-line community spot-on

Digital TV on Setanta's upcoming Premier League schedule

Becker Posner on Government equity in private companies.

Stuff TV and their take on the new Blackberry

Me on my other site about the recession - what recession?

Nancy at TigerTwoTiger on the power of Bloggers

and finally Ellee Seymour on the Saatchi "trim"

Sunday, October 05, 2008

How to Network Effectively

London, UK

A re-post from 2006.

It's amazing who one can meet when out at networking events!

Sunday, December 03, 2006
"That's another fine mess you've got me into"

One for the album. Me (on the right!) and friend at a BRE do at Watford on Friday night.

The event was superbly organised by Deanne Gold with hubby, Marc.

One of the award winners were Green & Peter. A very good firm of Chartered Accountants!!

Business networking can be fun and you do get to meet loads of new people. I'm usually out at least one night a week. In media in particular, you simply have to plenty of pressing the flesh.


Deanne and Marc Gold are now running a brand new business networking group called Keyconnectors. Visit the Keyconnectors website here

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

How to use a lectern

London, UK

Or do you prefer not to use one when speaking or presenting?

Speaking Coach Lisa Braithwaite posted this article a couple of days ago. I agree with her.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to lose it on radio

London, UK

Nick Thomas wrote a great article a few months ago here about corpseing. There are four great video clips. My favourite is the "Jonners" one.

Sometime ago at Jeremy Jacobs, I mentioned some tips for radio presenters on how to get over the giggles should you ever succumb to them.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Want to know about Radio Presenting?

London, UK

This site is full of interesting information.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to Sound Great on the Radio

London, UK

You really ought to listen to one of our best presenters Gabby Logan on BBC Radio 5 live. Bright, perceptive and punchy her show is a great listen. A little earlier this morning, Bob Weide, director of "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People" was one of her guests. He had a bit more time with her than I did at Leicester Square the other evening and he spoke in more depth about H2LF&AP as well the US Election.

For those of you who have seen my presenter showreel (see left-hand margin or you'll know that she appears about two-thirds of the way through. Apart from being a radio and television presenter, Gabby is also a corporate host and speaker.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Leicester Square Television

London, UK

Simon Pegg and the rest of the cast at the Premiere of "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People". Simon appears on the Jonathan Ross Show later this evening on BBC1.


Did you see Simon Pegg on the Jonathan Ross Show? Catch the latest at Simon's website and blog, HERE

Thursday, September 25, 2008

How to Win at Public Speaking Competitions

London, UK

A bit tongue-in-cheek this one. Earlier on, I won the "Table Topics" contest at my Toastmasters International speaking club, London Corinthians. For those of you familiar with Toastmasters, Table Topics is all about impromptu speaking. I had about 10 secs to make up my mind what I was going to speak about. Luckily for me, I'm quite quick of mind and thought and managed to beat the five other contestants. This means I go forward to represent London Corinthians at the next round.

How can you be a winner at public speaking?

1. Join a Toastmasters Club

2. Attend reguarly

3. Learn how to become expert at speaking "on-the-cuff"

4. Enter competitions.

Remember, you've got to be in it to win it!

Miryam Margolyes - what a coincidence

London, UK

One of the stars I managed to speak to last night at the Premiere of "How to Lose Friends and Influnce People" was actress Miryam Margolyes. This clip is taken from her web site. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How to Win Friends and Influence People

London, UK

When I started out in the world of sales I was handed a copy of Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People".

But tomorrow night in Leicester Square, that literary piece of brilliance meets its nemesis as Leicester Square Television will be there to present for you the UK Premiere of "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People" starring Simon Pegg and Kirsten Dunst.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tv Presenter

London, UK

In the Guardian newspaper a couple of weeks ago was this story about Blue Peter. New presenter Joel Defries will be hosting the show as part of the presenting team celebrating the programme's 50th anniversary next month. Is it really 50 years?

Friday, September 19, 2008

French Farce

London, UK

TF1's Laurence Ferrari runs into a bit of hot bother with Al Pacino & Robert de Niro earlier this week:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Righteous Kill - "Fan-Cam"

London, UK

London: 14 September 2008
Premiere organised by DDA Public Relations. for all premieres.
A lovely late summer Sunday afternoon in the Square. The strong sunlight pierces my eyes as I turn the camera along the red carpet to glimpse two of cinemas icons; De Niro and Pacino, coming towards me. Pinch me. Can you believe it? Thirteen years since theyve appeared together and here they are in front of me. Pacino arrived first and spend more time with fans and media. De Niro too made sure a good number of the screamers got signed but he ran out of signing power before he got to our end. One nice story. A very talented painter* had done two super portraits one of each of the stars and he got them both signed by their subject. Hell be walking on air. Another fan had Pacino sign his Raging Bull CD an offer a smiling Al couldnt refuse.

Stars in attendance:
Robert De Niro
Al Pacino
Curtis 50 Cent Jackson
Jon Avnet Director

Celebs spotted:
Alex Pettyfer
Liz Fuller
Lady Victoria Hervey

Media in attendance:
BBC News
Sky News
The Sun Online
Simply Media TV
Press Association-Multimedia
Leicester Square TV
Digital Spy
The Fashion Show
Think Jam
Film 2008
Love Film

As usual, please let me know of omissions, errors and comments. Thank you E.
Original in AVCHD.
Copyright elizabethtoni 2008
There are stills of the event at

Robert de Niro at UK Premiere of Righteous Kill

London, UK

Al Pacino on Leicester Square Television

London, UK

My lovely co-presenter Catherine Whale at LSQ TV was on hand with the main man himself Mr Ian to report from the Square. Catherine managed to get some great questions in to Al Pacino at the UK Premiere of "Righteous Kill"
Check out this:

There will be more on Al Pacino and Robert de Niro at the "elizabethtoni" You Tube(UK) account in a few hours.

Robert De Niro & Al Pacino in Leicester Square

London, UK

Later today, the two Hollywood greats are expected at Leicester Square for the UK Premiere of "Righteous Kill". I'll be there with Leicester Square Television, so check out tomorrow night for clips.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Leicester Square Television - Year One

London, UK

November 27th, 2008 marks the first anniversary of Leicester Square Television. So I've decided to highlight some of the best moments.

One of the most popular Premieres was St Trinians, Russell Brand and all. The main LSQ clip (which has had over 23,000 hits) can be found by going to this link and here's the "fan-cam" footage (which has reached over 63,000 hits on You Tube). My co-presenter Claire Bueno was on the red carpet with me on that chilly night.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Presenter News

I hear that presenter Russell Brand (just click on the mini-vid on your left) is teaming up with Britney Spears. Read this

Friday, September 05, 2008

Sell Yourself

London, UK

One way of keeping in touch with your existing and prospective customers is to inform them of what you are doing. Many individual and organisations send mailshots and the quarterly newsletter is always popular isn't it.

Internet expert, Graham Jones, likes e-mail. So do I. Just recently, I sent out a link to my "latest news" page on my main presenter site.

Keeping focused on what your doing.

London, UK

"Presenter, corporate host, radio broadcaster" , so what do you spend most of your time doing?
My answer is this. In media, it's not that easy to specialise or concentrate on one area. In my view, I think it's better to have a blend of experience rather than being obsessed about wanting to be a presenter on a certain television programme. Building your brand, gaining experience by producing and presenting, for example, a regular podcast or video blog, will get you noticed.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Keira Knightley in Leicester Square

London, UK

at the Premiere of the Duchess

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Madonna and Guy Ritchie in Leicester Square

London, UK

My fellow presenter at LSQ TV, Claire Bueno was with the "fan-cam" team last night for the Premiere of Rock n Rolla.

London: 1 September 2008 for all premieres.

Well the summer's over and to get the autumn season underway Guy Ritchie's new "gals n gangster" flick Rock N Rolla had its world premiere in the Square. As the chill set in, the Square was set alight by the appearance of Mrs Ritchie, Madonna herself. She made sure she was the very last celeb to arrive and just made it into the cinema in time. The paparazzi and their flashes were unbelievable. I've not seen such a strobe-o-rama in quite a while. The main cast members showed too. Gerald Butler spent a load of time at the fan-line as did Guy Ritchie. Uber producer Joel Silver came too, spiffily attired in magenta trainers this time. There were media outfits from all over the globe. Madonna signed only a couple as far as I could tell -- there was so little time for her to spend any time at all with fans. A really good premiere with the most extensive red-carpeting of any recent event -- all for Madge.

Cast in attendance:
Guy Ritchie - Director
Joel Silver and Susan Downey - Producers
Gerard Butler
Idris Elba
Thandie Newton
Tom Wilkinson
Mark Strong
Toby Kebbell
Tom Hardy

Celebs spotted:
Trudie Styler
Greg Dyke - ex BBC Chief
Meg Matthews
Oswald Boateng
Leon Jackson
Alex Zane

As usual, please let me know of omissions, errors and comments. Thank you - E.
Original in AVCHD.
Copyright elizabethtoni 2008