Yesterday my father attended a luncheon in Margate, organised by his local Burma Star Association. About 100 people turned up, some with partners and as every year now passes, fewer and fewer attend these types of functions. "Burma?", I hear you say. Most WW2 recollections are to do with the Battle of Britain, El-Alamein or how the Americans dominated proceedings at Normandy in 1944. The "forgotten" Far East conflict rarely gets a mention. Everthing seems to centre around Hiroshima and the privations of the Japanese people.......... and apart from that bridge over the River Kwai, I can't think of a film or recent documentary about the events at Kohima between April and June, 1944. This terrible battle (some of it played out over tennis courts) was remembered once again yesterday. Those who witnessed the carnage, like my father, were asked to remain seated. Dad told me that this bought a tear to his eye, as most around him, stood. Our generation, and those who are to follow, really ought to reflect on how some of our relatives fought so bravely to give us our "tomorrow's"
The photo above shows my father at his recent 80th, or was it 90th Birthday celebrations. My neice Emma is sitting next to my father. On the other side are my friends Sharon (Shaz) and Paul who came for the trip to Sandwich on January 7th.