Thursday, March 29, 2007
Sir Martin Sorrell (3)
Posted this about Sir Martin recently.
And the defamation case in which Sir Martin was awarded £100000 in damages finished yesterday and for some reason today's Times Online appears to have a bit of a dig. Is it their general view about these types of cases, or the huge legal bills that both sides will have to cough up?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Labels: Current Affairs, general-discussion
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Can Iain Dale compete with this rant blog?
A wonderful "new" site. Try this
I don't suppose for a moment he'll compete with Iain but you never know.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Commenting on comments is............................
....quite a good idea to get traffic. I've done a little of this in the past. It's so easy to ignore the views of others. Marcia, your Confidence Coach was quite open when she left this comment a few days ago.
i let anyone comment on my blogs. they are open to the public. i want to hear what other people think about my blogs and what they have to say. i do not use comment moderation. my blog is an open forum.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Labels: UK, women bloggers
Monday, March 26, 2007
E-death threats, the latest Blogosphere fad?
I can't believe the stuff that goes on. Read this by Kathy Sierra.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Monday, March 26, 2007
Labels: women bloggers
Goal Setting
It's 2nd quarter 2007 goal setting time! Saw this over at Stef's site. Love the categories she's chosen.
What's your number one goal for the next three months?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Monday, March 26, 2007
"Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler"?
Great stuff from Beau Bo D'or. Just had to replicate it here. Pity nobody under the age of 30 will get this.
I eventually decided to make this image totally legit for those wanting to use it.
I replaced the original images with characters I drew in vectors and mocked up the MI5 logo.
Any non-commercial site is welcome to use it.
(The lawyers for EMAP’s Zoo magazine still maintain I have not furnished enough proof that I created the original version which the top shelf mag for those of Jimmy Krankie stature ran last year.)
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Monday, March 26, 2007
Labels: political blogs, politics, satire, UK
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The 2000 Bloggers community
Are you a member of the 2000 Bloggers community? If so, has being a member driven up your rankings at Technorati or at Google.
Here's my original post concerning Tino Buntic's 2000 Bloggers scheme.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
2000 Bloggers
Tino Buntic has devised a new style of internet comunity with his 2000 Bloggers scheme. I'm there. Cristian Mezei at SeoPedia has a useful post on the same subject. (I just love the style and colour scheme of his Blog)
Why not add your Blog and become a top UK blogger?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Labels: 2000 Bloggers, blogging, UK
Politics - "How English are you"
Daily Referendum has this test on his site. I got 84% correct. Can you beat me?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Labels: Current Affairs, England, politics, UK
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Them with Van Morrison (thanks Tisha)
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Israel v England
I have a sneaking suspicion that Israel will beat England tomorrow in Tel-Aviv.
Wish I was there.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
New on the Blog
1. Reuters have launched a new Photo Blog
2. Will Kintish and his amusing moments as the UK's leading authority on networking.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Labels: blogs
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Watch out Jeremy!!
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Labels: blogging, blogs, Current Affairs, general-discussion, UK
10 top tips for maintaining a healthy weight
Whilst I'm on the subject of maintaining a healthy weight, I've decided to post 10 top tips from the Cancer Research UK website. There's tons of good advice here. When you read down the list I'm sure you'll see things that we could all do better. Like the one about watching TV whilst eating!!!
- Keep to your meal routine. Try to eat at roughly the same times each day, whether this is two or five times a day. For more information, go to our Eating Habits section.
- Go reduced fat. Choose reduced fat versions of foods such as dairy products, spreads and salad dressings where you can. Use them sparingly as some can still be high in fat. For more information, go to our Hidden Calories section.
- Walk off the weight. Walk 10,000 steps (about 60-90 minutes of moderate activity) each day. You can use a pedometer to help count the steps. You can break up your walking over the day. For more information, go to our Walking section.
- Pack a healthy snack. If you snack, choose a healthy option such as fresh fruit or low calorie yogurts instead of chocolate or crisps. For more information, go to our Healthy Meal Ideas section.
- Look at the labels. Be careful about food claims. Check the fat and sugar content on food labels when shopping and preparing food. For more information, go to our Look at the Labels section.
- Caution with your portions. Don’t heap food on your plate (except vegetables). Think twice before having second helpings. For more information, go to our Portion Caution section.
- Up on your feet. Break up your sitting time. Stand up for ten minutes out of every hour. For more information, go to our Keep on Moving section.
- Think about your drinks. Choose water or sugar-free squashes. Unsweetened fruit juice contains natural sugar so limit it to 1 glass per day (200ml / 1/3 pint). Alcohol is high in calories; try to limit the amount you drink. For more information, go to our Hidden Calories section.
- Focus on your food. Slow down. Don’t eat on the go or while watching TV. Eat at a table if possible. For more information, go to our Eating Habits section.
- Don’t forget your 5 a day. Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day (400g in total). For more information, go to our Five a Day section.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Labels: cholesterol, Current Affairs, general-discussion, health
Women and cancer
Last night, I posted a link here about women and breast cancer. In today's Times Online, David Rose writes about the threat to women from cancer brought about by elevated blood sugar.
As ever, there are a few lines about how one can reduce the risk of contracting life threatening diseases like cancer.
“And the good news is that it is possible to reduce your blood sugar levels by eating a healthy balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables and maintaining a healthy weight.
“We know that up to 40 per cent of cancer cases can be prevented by this type of healthy lifestyle, so this is just another reason for people to make those small changes that could make a big difference.”
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Labels: health, women bloggers
Just love this Blog
What would we do without right-wing American PC haters like these?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Labels: political blogs, USA
50 is the new 35
Alan Caruba over at the Anxiety Center writes about age. (I've always said 50 is the new 35):
Is 70 the New 50?
Recently I helped a friend of mine revise his resume. This gentleman, now in his early 70s, has a Ph.D. and the kind of knowledge and skills it literally takes a lifetime to acquire. But there’s a catch. Most of the people with whom he has worked over his distinguished career are no longer active.
What a waste
Because Americans are living longer, often enjoying good health late in life, the question must be asked, is 70 the new 50?
According to data from the Senior Job Bank, America’s workforce is aging. By 2006 more than 15% of the U.S. labor force was 55 or older. By 2004 there were more than 33 million people aged 65 or older living in America, representing 12.7% of the total population, about one out of every eight Americans. With every passing year, those numbers increase.
Senior citizens and aging baby boomers are the fastest growing demographic segment of the population. The stereotypes surrounding today’s senior frequently do not apply and this is especially true of those who have led vigorous intellectual lives in various professions and enterprises, and who want to continue.
Interesting point Alan raises here, he goes on...................
Old doesn’t mean brain-dead. It took the oldest President of our era to bring the Soviet Union to its knees and the senior citizen vote can determine who gets elected. A generation whose parents went through the Depression, who recall the abuse of presidential power that Watergate represents, or the folly of the Vietnam War, is not likely to be fooled by political clichés.
The irony is that, when they were born, the average life expectancy for a man was about 60 years of age. That’s why, when Social Security was introduced, one began receiving checks on reaching age 65. A lot of folks didn’t and the government, not their families, pocketed their withheld earnings.
Alan then outlines social welfare concerns in the US, before concluding
A nation that ignores a large part of its population with excellent skills is making a very big mistake. This is particularly true as we witness whole new generations that lack fundamental skills in reading, writing, and mathematics, many of whom have graduated from failed schools where indoctrination outweighs education. The cost of a college education today is truly obscene, saddling students with large debt before they even step out into the working world.
It is a fearful thing to encounter the gross ignorance of a younger generation that often seems only to know what it has "learned" from television and movies.
I am all for youth. However, until they can figure out what they’re going to do with their lives, it remains the task of older heads to insure they have a good future and I suspect that a vast treasure of people in their 70s—the "kids" who grew up preserving traditional values—are seeing their knowledge and skills wasted.
Writers like myself have a special advantage as we can work our trade well into our senior years. The age barrier, however, is very real and I suspect that many very capable seniors like my friend are encountering hardships despite being 70 and savvy.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Labels: general-discussion
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Guest Blogging at Ellee Seymour
Ellee Seymour very kindly asked me to post something about my recent Trek in Africa on behalf of Breast Cancer Campaign.
Guest blogger today is Jeremy Jacobs writing about his cathartic trek in the Maasai foothills to boost funds for the Breast Cancer Campaign following the tragic young death of his sister Jackie.
How have you marked the death of someone close? My family bought a wooden bench in memory of my father and added a plaque with his name. It is in the grounds of Walsingham shrine in Norfolk where he found much comfort, especially towards the end of his life.
I sponsored Jeremy’s trek with a cash donation and also posted him some of my son’s football strips to hand out to local schoolchildren, hope they liked the Tottenham Hotspurs and Manchester United shirts.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Labels: 2007, blogging, blogs, Breast Cancer Campaign, corporate issues, presenting
Blogging Comments
This article appears at Do you agree with the points made?
I've added my two-bobs worth in bright red
Lately I have been toying with the idea of allowing comments on In true TodaysTen’s Fashion, I have came up with a list. 5 reasons each for allowing or not allowing comments on From this post on, I will be running a trial to see if comments really do increase both the quantity and quality of readership. Of course I would hope that comments will stay and make TodaysTen and me a better resource for you.
5+5 Reasons for/Against comments on Blogs
The 5 reasons TO allow comments:
1. Readers become contributors and are more engaged
-> a. Readers are smart people and they can contribute intelligent viewpoints. Give them a chance! (Yes, and attracts all types of people)
2. Allow contributors to link to their blog
-> a. I would like to get into the head of my readers. So link your blog from your comments and I will visit your blog. If you do not have a blog, consider starting one. (Agreed)
3. Allow off topic discussion that may become the focus of your next post
-> a. I plan my writing every Sunday. The week’s writing is usually planned and written before the day of posting. I like to have a buffer in case I run out of topics to write. However I might still run out of ideas. So please tell me what else you are interested in and I will do my research and write an article on it. ( But what about breaking news?)
4. Allow you to know what your readers are reading and who they are
-> a. So far this blog has been a one way conversation. What do you all think of my writing so far? What else would you like to read? (getting feedback is great - even better if you can get a testimonial)
5. Allow for self improvement through criticism
-> a. I would like readers to point out my mistakes and shortcomings. If you had been consistently reading my blog, you would have a sense that I like self improvement. One of the best ways is through CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. So please help me by commenting on my short comings and how I can improve them. (You could make this the subject of a special post)
The 5 reasons NOT TO allow comments:
6. Spam Comments
-> a. Useless comment that says “I agree/disagree”, “Good Job/lousy job” etc
-> b. Truly spam comments from bots and people who have nothing to contribute and just want to promote their obviously glaring ulterior motives ( I agree isn't a useless comment, IMHO. Agree strongly with point b.)
7. No time to response to comments that attack you
-> a. I make it a point to make a post daily. I will also make it a point to read all comments religiously but I might not respond. I don’t like arguments and it takes 2 keyboards to argue over the internet, so if I won’t participate, hopefully you will go away.(or I can just delete your comment) - Agreed
8. Comments can be hijacked by one person starting a flame war
-> a. Again, I don’t like arguments. Especially if they are started because someone personally attacked someone. Internet conversations have an uncanny ability to morph into flame wars after the 10+ post. ( You may be able to "cut-off" comments after a period of time - check your blog platform)
9. Comments are unverified information by anonymous people
-> a. Anonymous people who hit and run are the worst type. Be active and visible. Link to your blog so that other readers can see who you are and the other viewpoints that you are bringing into the discussions. ( I delete those types of comments)
10. No one reads them most of the time
-> a. Comments require a click to open. 80% of the people won’t be clicking on them. Worst…what if my blog has low reader participation. Won’t it mean to new readers that this is a blog that is still waiting to be discovered? (Not if the post is provocative enough)
So now the floor is open! Comment to your hearts’ delight and tell me what you think!
Over to you!!
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Labels: blogs, Current Affairs, general-discussion
Thursday, March 15, 2007
The Ides of March
This day always reminds me of Kenneth Williams' immortal words in Carry On Cleo.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Labels: Carry On films
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Let's have more of this......................
His Grace, Cranmer, has posted this brilliant article. Makes a pleasant change from the "norm" about race relations and integration.
Muslim children are not born Jew-haters

But half the 247 pupils at the 40-year-old local authority school are Muslim, and apparently the Muslim parents go through all sorts of hoops, including moving into the school's catchment area, to get their children into King David to learn Hebrew, wave Israeli flags on independence day, and hang out with the same people whom some would have us believe that they hate more than anyone in the world - Jews.
The Muslim parents, mostly devout and many of the women wearing the hijab, say they love the ethos of the school. The school is also respectful to Islam, setting aside a prayer room for the Muslim children and supplying Muslim teachers during Ramadan. At Eid, the Muslim children are wished Eid Mubarak (Blessed be Eid). Muslim students are allowed to wear a traditional Muslim head covering, but dozens choose instead to wear the Jewish kipah.
Muslim parents are not shy about telling observers why they love this Jewish school: “We actually bought a flat in the catchment area for the children to come here," says Nahid Shafiq, the mother of Zainah, four, and Hamza, nine, and wife of Mohammed, a taxi driver. "We were attracted by the high moral values of the school, and that's what we wanted our kids to have. None of us has any problem with it being a Jewish school. Why on earth should we? Our similarities as religions and cultures are far greater and more important than our differences. It's not even an issue."
Muslim parents are pleased that ‘all the kids mix and go to one another's parties and are in and out of each other's houses’. The Jewish parents and teachers too are just as enthusiastic: “You know, in these difficult times in the world, I think we show how things should be done. It's really a bit of a beacon," says one teacher, whose three children all went to King David and ended up at Oxford University. One Jewish parent commented: "My son is eight and has loads of Muslim friends." And perhaps most important of all is that some of the cross-cultural friendships forged at King David last a lifetime.
Who says all faith schools should be abolished?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned
A touch of light-heartedness for a Wednesday morning.
This photo, as sent to me by Michael A. is a warning (of sorts).
Ought to be the sort of thing Theo Spark, Beau Bo D'or or The Spine should post.
I love "poorly-endowed slimeball".
Shame on you Steven.
What's your worst or most embarrassing personal situation? Have you been caught whilst attempting a "knee-trembler" in the bicycle sheds? Or perhaps you've attempted to set fire to a public building where your "ex" works?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Labels: aggro, general-discussion, sexy women
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Yes, March 14th, 2006 is the anniversary of my first blog post. Although CP (in name) didn't come into existence until months later, the "Barry" post was there 12 months ago.
Since then things have blossomed. I've made inumerable internet friends from Ellee and Iain Dale to Graham Jones, Yid with Lid, James Higham, Tom Paine all those at BlogLog and Technorati, ooh, the list is endless. Well not endless, it's on the left-hand side of this Blog!
There are other friends too at the Trek site and at the website.
All in all, it's been a fantastic 12 months.
(Mustn't forget all those chaps at the 2000 Bloggers project)
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Labels: 2000 Bloggers, 2006, 2007, Current Affairs, general-discussion
How not to have safe sex
New to the Blogosphere is Mad lass and her new Blog "Diary of a Mad lass"
Her latest post is about a Romanian man and his desire not to have any more children. He clearly is unaware about condoms and their correct application.
Perhaps JJ and Amanda Chapel in the States, Tisha, Ellee and Abby Lee
have something to say on this matter.
Over to you ladies......................
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Labels: Current Affairs, general-discussion, links, sexy women
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Alan Caruba's latest...................
The Really Big Picture
Imagine yourself as a winged creature, free to fly, free to soar above the Earth, moving effortlessly from continent to continent, to hover over great cities and tiny villages, crossing oceans, crossing deserts, visiting the North and South Poles. That would be the really big picture, wouldn’t it?
If you could do that, what would you see? For one thing you’d see a planet with an astonishing population of six billion human beings, more than at any other time in history.
For them, it is not a clash of economic systems that matters, but having enough money to pay for food, having a clean place in which to live, and having a life that involves family. Rich or poor, in most of the world television shows them what others have. What they want, however, is their own definition of comfort.
The world, however, is unfair. In wealthy westernized nations, most people havean astonishing level of comfort, but there are the poor, the homeless, and the less fortunate for whatever reason. Frequently the reason is a high level of corruption endemic to their society and/or government.
In places like the African and Asian continent, masses of the population live in an unimaginable poverty, often in nations that are resource-rich, but run by horrid people. What they have are a family and a tribe. There are often invisible barriers to everything beyond that. Family and tribe also describe much of the Middle East as well.
Mostly, though, as you soar above the world, despite the disease and poverty, there is peace. An astounding amount of peace exists throughout the world. What "wars" exist are relatively low-key affairs. While Americans debate their military presence in Iraq, obsessed with daily events there and eager to leave the Middle East, much of that nation functions without bloodshed.
When you circle the region, it is clear that the "wars" in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon are relatively small, individual firefights, not massive armies moving back and forth across the terrain. The weapon of choice is the individual suicide bomber. They are surrounded by neighbor states free of warfare.
When you fly in wider circles, the war that transfixes the news in America recedes as one goes in any direction. Look down and see Turkey is at peace. Europe is at peace. Russia is at peace. China is at peace. India is at peace. Southeast Asia, Australia, and, crossing the Pacific, the whole of South America is at peace.
Where are the wars? In terms of how war was once defined there are none.
My generation grew up in a world at war. America put massive armies, navies and air forces in Europe and in the Pacific. Not just whole cities, but whole continents saw destruction on a scale never experienced in history. Then, one day after two bombs had obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the war was over.
Despite being weary, America threw itself into another war within a few years, seeking to protect South Korea from communist dictatorship. Nearly 37,000 men died in that war. From 1945 to 1989, the nation fought a "Cold War" with a Soviet empire whose only legacy is the millions it enslaved and killed. For seven years during that time, we sacrificed the lives of over 57,000 more Americans in a tiny nation called Vietnam though few recall why anymore.
That was what a world at war looked like during much of the last century. Massed armies. Massive destruction. Death for civilian and soldier alike calculated in the thousands and the hundreds of thousands.
Today, there are no massed armies facing each other on vast battlefields. There are only blustering men urging people to die for the promise of a paradise they cannot deliver on Earth. They cannot deliver enough food. They cannot deliver a thriving economy. They cannot deliver a better life.
These few sad, mad people cannot defeat the West unless we utterly lose the will not just to fight them, but also to annihilate them. We are perilously close to no longer even wanting to fight them!
They cannot defeat the sweep and flow of global trade the likes of which no one could imagine a score of years ago. They cannot defeat the spread of knowledge, of the awareness that out there, beyond family, beyond the tribe, there are places of amazing wealth and, for those willing to work for it, the opportunity to have some of it.
There is no need to cower in the face of "terrorist" videos showing an old man dressed in the garb of the seventh century. Understand that this old man and the young ones he has recruited are a pathetic enemy, an army of lost hopes, and no future. Must they be defeated? Yes. The waging of war in our times is a terribly costly enterprise. The failure to wage war, however, will come with an even higher price, our freedom.
What few Americans grasp is that the greatest export of the United States is protection. We protect the vital sea lanes of the world so commerce can safely move goods around, so natural resources for energy and everything else can reach their destinations. We protect our allies against the threats of their neighbors. We project power because, in a dangerous world, it is the only thing that insures peace.
The world is mostly at peace, but as an ancient sage once said, "Si vis pacem, para bellum." If you want peace, plan for war.
We can do that. We can prevail. We can and should plan for peace. It’s breaking out all over the world.
Do you agree with Alan's article, or is your view of the world different?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Labels: Current Affairs, democracy, politics
Call long distance online
It's only been a few weeks since I've installed Skype and frankly, I don't know why I didn't install it ages ago. One can call long distance online, for free in most cases, and it's clear and easy to use.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Democracy, lies and politicians
On Sunday evening many of you would have seen the BBC2 programme about Freedom. Worrying stuff indeed.
Yesterday morning on BBC Radio 4, I heard David Cameron use those immortal words, "we must change peoples habits" (sounds more like the dictator Blair every day) and a little earlier I had to endure that snivelling, nauseating twirp called Milliband trying to justify his green anti-capitalist stupidity with John Humphreys. I think this below from "Big Brother" in Canada sums things up.
We are having an election here right now and the politicians are making promises right, left and center. Promises that everyone knows they will never keep. (and politicians wonder why they are about as popular as a dose of clap) So to make things a little less cynical, or maybe to prove I ain't the only cynic here, here are some quotes on the the subject of democracy.
I love the last one!
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Labels: Current Affairs, democracy, political blogs, politics
Aston Martin
Dodgeblogium has just posted this story about Aston Martin.
Great news for the British car industry.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Labels: Current Affairs
Why Europeans should support Israel
Just read this at Brussels Journal
An interesting read. It was highlighted at LGF and Dhimmi watch.
I've noticed in recent times, that there appears to be a swing away from the Palestinian viewpoint. There's certainly more references to the historical facts about Arab "ownership" of land in the disputed territories.
Do you accept the idea that Palestinian Arabs are not entitled to their own state? The people in Yorkshire could make a similar claim as could the Druze Arabs of Israel and Lebanon.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Lord Levy and the Rabbi
Daniel Finkelstein at "Comment Central" and Melanie Phillips have covered the story brilliantly.
I also like the letter in yesterday's Times by Nicholas Horne of London N2. My near neighbour wrote "I hope I speak for fellow Jews by objecting to his (Rabbi Schochet) description of Lord Levy's predicament as "one Jew being hung out to dry". It is at best, ill-advised. Lord Levy is in the position he finds himself for many reasons, the very least of which is his race or religion.
The Jewish people have enough problems around from Syria, Hamas and Iran without "cry-wolfs" like Schochet stoking the fire of anti-semitism.
He should know better.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Free speech in France - the end?
It's not only in the UK that censorship of the internet/blogosphere is being discussed. New rules in France, ostensibly to stop "happy slapping videos " by certain "citizen journalists", appear to go a lot further according to the journalists organisation, Reporters without Borders. Here's the article from "MacWorld" which was highlighted at Fausta, and No Pasaran
France bans citizen journalists from reporting violence
By Peter Sayer, IDG News Service
The French Constitutional Council has approved a law that criminalizes the filming or broadcasting of acts of violence by people other than professional journalists. The law could lead to the imprisonment of eyewitnesses who film acts of police violence, or operators of Web sites publishing the images, one French civil liberties group warned on Tuesday.
The council chose an unfortunate anniversary to publish its decision approving the law, which came exactly 16 years after Los Angeles police officers beating Rodney King were filmed by amateur videographer George Holliday on the night of March 3, 1991. The officers’ acquittal at the end on April 29, 1992 sparked riots in Los Angeles.
If Holliday were to film a similar scene of violence in France today, he could end up in prison as a result of the new law, said Pascal Cohet, a spokesman for French online civil liberties group Odebi. And anyone publishing such images could face up to five years in prison and a fine of €75,000 (US$98,537), potentially a harsher sentence than that for committing the violent act.
Senators and members of the National Assembly had asked the council to rule on the constitutionality of six articles of the Law relating to the prevention of delinquency. The articles dealt with information sharing by social workers, and reduced sentences for minors. The council recommended one minor change, to reconcile conflicting amendments voted in parliament. The law, proposed by Minister of the Interior Nicolas Sarkozy, is intended to clamp down on a wide range of public order offenses. During parliamentary debate of the law, government representatives said the offense of filming or distributing films of acts of violence targets the practice of “happy slapping,” in which a violent attack is filmed by an accomplice, typically with a camera phone, for the amusement of the attacker’s friends.
The broad drafting of the law so as to criminalize the activities of citizen journalists unrelated to the perpetrators of violent acts is no accident, but rather a deliberate decision by the authorities, said Cohet. He is concerned that the law, and others still being debated, will lead to the creation of a parallel judicial system controlling the publication of information on the Internet.
The government has also proposed a certification system for Web sites, blog hosters, mobile-phone operators and Internet service providers, identifying them as government-approved sources of information if they adhere to certain rules. The journalists’ organization Reporters Without Borders, which campaigns for a free press, has warned that such a system could lead to excessive self censorship as organizations worried about losing their certification suppress certain stories.
Can you imagine a certification for this site or Iain Dale or Paul Linford? No doubt Broon will be rubbing his hands with glee at the prospect of regulating (and no doubt taxing) UK-based Bloggers
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Labels: blogging, blogs, Current Affairs, general-discussion, social media, Web 2.0
Golders Green and Brick Lane beware............
there's a scandal about to befall the BAGEL. Just seen this at Raincoaster
I wonder what Bagel Blogger, Stephen Pollard, Daniel Finkelstein and Yid with Lid make of it?
Could other UK-based Jewish Bloggers find offence? This one might. This one probably wont and the bloke at the Jewish Chronicle has probably never even heard of Raincoaster and if he did would certainly brand him an anti-semite.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Labels: anti-semitism, bagels, Jews
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Google Search
Ok, I have to admit I'm a bit of an Egogoogler. What's "egogoogling" I hear you exclaim? Well, according to Psychologies magazine (Feb 2007) it's the practice of typing one's own name into an Internet search engine to see what sites appear. It's also know as "autogoogling".
I suppose it's a bit of fun but it does lead to false impressions and erroneous conclusions. You see, you'll find after blogging or updating your web-site content that Google and others do move you up the rankings. Which of course is great news if you an ego-maniac but not if you're a budding corporate video producer wanting to make a name for yourself.
Rather than searching under "Trevor Watkins" for example, it's much better to search on "corporate video producer" and/or "video producer" and see the name Trevor Watkins appear.
This is where use of meta tags and the correct use of content labels becomes important. Regular and appropriate content will see you zoom up the ranks.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Labels: blogging, blogs, Current Affairs, internet, internet business, internet markeing, internet problems
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Borat (Removed Scene)
Just seen this at Lady Banana
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
King Abdullah of Jordan
On the BBC website has put his two-bobs worth in concerning the Israel/Palestine situation.
While Iraq was a source of concern, "the wellspring of regional division, the source of resentment and frustration... is the denial of justice and peace in Palestine".
"Sixty years of Palestinian dispossession, 40 years of occupation... have left a bitter legacy of disappointment and despair," he said.
A couple of points here
1. What about Jewish dispossession in Arab lands before 1948 and in the immediate years afterwards?
2. and what of Jordan's "occupation" of "Palestinian" Judea and Samaria (West Bank) between 1950 and the Israeli liberation in 1967? - how much talk was there of "Palestinian" self-determination then?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
One Beautiful Women
Below, I've highlighted Theo Spark's great blog and his propensity to post photographs of "hot" beautiful women.
Here's one of mine - Spanish model Almudena Fernandez
N.B. Before I hear howls of protest from various quarters - "beauty" is only skin-deep, OK?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Labels: blogging, blogs, sexy women
Devil's Kitchen may have a point here
In his most recent and provocative post, he suggests an invasion of Iran could alleviate economic problems at home. Does he have a point? Do you agree? Is he mad? Should Israel strike first?
Well, capitalism does appear to need a conflict every now and again to get the factories working at full capacity. He thinks there is a Galtieri Moment about to happen.
Will Devil's Kitchen be proved right?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Labels: Current Affairs, Devil's Kitchen, Israel, Jews, political blogs
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Princess Prius
My friend from St John's Wood, The Jewish Princess, is delighted at her "Princess Prius". This eco-vehicle has replaced her Jeep. Tsk, tsk.
She points out that she's gone green and that she hates the Congestion Charge.
A couple of things here.
1. How much energy did it take to make her "green" car?
2. The Congestion Charge is not a charge, it's a TAX.
Is "Princess Prius" a new catch phrase. Perhaps The Croydonian can tell us
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Labels: blogs, comedy, Current Affairs, Jews
Theo Spark's Blog - full of sexy women
I'm sure many of you are becoming fans of political satirist Theo Spark. His blog is an absolute laugh and features some sexy women like the top Italian supermodel Alessia Merz whose official website is here.
In fact TS appears to be obsessed with beautiful Italian women. He's also got Alessandra Ambrosio plastered on the bottom half (if you excuse the symbolism) of his front-page.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Labels: blogging, blogs, sexy women
Off to the Tower for Beau Bo D'or?
This could spell the end for BBD
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
"All this nonsense about global warming..................
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Monday, March 05, 2007
Labels: Current Affairs
2 wonderful new Blogs
I was given a link at Rick's "Flip Chart Fairy Tales". This brilliant Blog highlights things that can go occasionally wrong at Corporate events. Knowing a thing or two about facilitating, I wasn't too impressed by the American chap in Rick's example here.
Rick also has a link to Suw Charman's Chocolate 'n Vodka This magnificent blonde honey has, this week, previewed the forthcoming horror movie, Black Sheep. No it's not about Gordon Broon but a crisis in rural New Zealand.
2 magnificent new Blogs and I would recommend them both to your most serious perusal.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Monday, March 05, 2007
Labels: blogging, blogs, corporate issues, Current Affairs, ultimate fuckwittage
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Quote of the Day
On Iain Dale's site today, there's a few beauties including this from Paddy Ashdown.
"We have a Prime Minister who ignores international law when he feels like it, disregarding the findings of UN weapons inspectors in Iraq, turning a blind eye to US abuse of human rights in Guantanamo Bay, and failing to condemn the Israeli invasion of Lebanon" - Lord Ashdown, the former Liberal Democrat leader.
Of course, I'm taking issue on his point about Israel. Now let me see, you have a bunch of murderous swines called Hezbollah who unleashed a vicious attack on Israel. What do you expect Israel to do? It's a bit like the Americans not condemning Britain for destroying the Luftwaffe in September 1940.
Moving on to a more frivolous "quote of the day", I loved the one by Michael Portillo about Gordon Brown. "He has the charisma of a coffin lid".
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Iain Dale's site
Had over 180,000 unique visitors in February. A magnificent achievement and 10000 up on January. Well done Iain. The secret? Consistent and interesting content I would suggest.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Israel's first Arab President
Something else Al-BBC ignored. (From Totally Jewish Website)
Majallie Whbee
Israel's first non-Jewish President has rubbished claims that the Jewish state is an apartheid country.
Speaking to TJ, Arab Kadima Knesset member Majallie Whbee said his ascent to the position proved that those who draw such a parallel with the former South African regime were ignoring the “facts on the ground”.
And saying he was proud of being an Israeli citizen, the Druze MK also spoke of his wish to show the world that Israel is a democratic country with equal rights.Whbee will serve as ceremonial President until next Tuesday, while acting president Dalia Itzik is in America. Itzik took over the position from Moshe Katsav after he temporarily suspended himself following the Attorney General’s announcement that he may be indicted on multiple charges including rape.
Whbee, who rose to the rank of colonel during 19 years in a parachute division of the IDF, said: "This is a very historic day and week because it is the first time that a person from the minorities has become the president of Israel.
"The important thing for us is that it shows that we can be counterparts, citizens who have duties and rights. That we actually are a democratic country.”
Former US President Jimmy Carter recently became the latest prominent figure to attach the ‘apartheid’ tag to Israel, but Whbee said he believes the reality couldn't be more different.
"I think my appointment is the example and answer for those who accuse Israel of being an apartheid state. It shows minorities have equal rights and we are part of the government, the state and the parliament.”
But he warned: “Those people who have a very bad attitude towards Israel will continue with their thoughts nevertheless.”
Although he will only hold the position for a week, he said he wanted to use the opportunity to try and make some inroads in the peace process, and had already organised meetings with the Jordanian and Egyptian Ambassadors to Israel.
“I believe I can increase the confidence of the relations between the two sides,” said Whbee, who first entered politics in 1995 as an assistant to then Minister of Infrastructure Ariel Sharon. “I can talk to these representatives more openly and put my points on the table.”
As a Kadima MK Whbee espouses the views of the government and said he was planning to tell the Jordanian and Egyptian ambassadors that he believed there “will be no hope for the peace process” unless Hamas recognises the State of Israel.
Referring to the recent Mecca agreement between Palestinian groups, Whbee was definite in his views. “Israel should absolutely not accept a Palestinian unity government. We are not playing games. We are serious. If they really want us to believe in this agreement they should recognise the existence of Israel and then they can put whatever they wanton the negotiating table,” he said.
While Whbee was clearly proud of his ascension to one of the top positions in Israeli society, he said he was concerned over the state of Israeli politics. As well as the Katsav scandal, in recent months there have been various investigations of corruption and misdoings.
“Of course I would rather I got to this position in other circumstances,” he said. “While I know that it is not the majority, we have some people who making the picture not as pure as it should be. It makes me feel very sorry because I would like to be in a society with representatives who are far from this kind of corruption.”
Whbee admitted Olmert is losing popularity, but said he is standing behind the leader of the Kadima party unless the Winograd Committee, which is investigating the failures of the war with Hezbollah, blames the Prime Minister directly.
“In a democratic state we believe that every mistake should be dealt with in order to correct what needs to be corrected and in order to learn the lessons,” Whbee said. “If we will see Winograd place responsibility on the leadership of the Defence Minister and Prime Minister then the situation will be complicated for the future of the leadership of these two people and then we will decide if they have the responsibility or not. At the moment I do not see any other leader who can lead us.”
Whbee, who is married with four children and lives in the town of Bet Jan in the north of Israel has been in politics for more than a decade. Amongst the many groups he has met with since becoming a politician, he noted that British Jews have been some of the more impressive.
Describing the UK community as “very serious people,” he said: “When they come to deal with the dangers of Israel they seem more serious than the Americans. Perhaps this is because the UK is closer to Israel and maybe there is more anti-semitism in Europe than in America.”
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Labels: anti-semitism, Israel, Jews, politics
Blog Posting
Love the graphic at Blog-Blond. This fiesty lady from Hawaii takes no prisoners as she explains how to make it in the Blogosphere.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Eclipse of the Moon
Did you see it?
Impressive stuff. Won't be seeing that for another year or two.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Labels: Current Affairs