Sunday, December 30, 2007

Top 10 Prophecies for 2008

London, UK

As promised here:

1. Arsenal to win the Premiership in England.

2. Political unrest in China ahead of Olympic Games in Peking.

3. A Hollywood film star will die unexpectedly.

4. Some type of natural disaster in Central or South America.

5. Republican Candidate to win the race for the White House.

6. More terrorist atrocities in Middle East and elsewhere.

7. Madeliene McCann will be found in Morocco or Algeria.

8. Unrest in Belgium.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Quote of 2007

Friday, December 28, 2007

St Trinians Star on drugs charge............ Russell Brand this time but the simply gorgeous Mischa Barton who plays JJ French in St Trinians

Mischa Barton arrested for DUI

Friday, December 28 2007, 00:20 GMT

By Beth Hilton

Mischa Barton arrested for DUI
Mischa Barton has been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence.

The actress, who played Marissa Cooper in The OC for three years, was also booked for possession of illegal narcotics and driving without a valid licence.

She was believed to have been driving her white Range Rover in West Hollywood at around 3am when she was pulled over by police, who spotted her vehicle straddling two lanes of traffic. She was also alleged to have made a turn without signalling.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said they questioned Barton and found that she was under the influence of alcohol and did not possess a driver's licence.

She is currently being held in custody on $10,000 bail.

The 21-year-old recently revealed that she frequently felt frustrated while starring in The OC.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

What next for Pakistan?

London, UK

My immediate reaction to the awful news from Rawalpindi today is this:

1. Will further instability in Pakistan result in the deployment of more British troops in neighbouring Afghanistan?
2. What would happen to Pakistan's nuclear arsenal if the country is taken over by radicals?
3. Will this lead to more terrorism in the West?

Battle of Boxing Day

London & Margate, UK

There are two things I currently dislike about football:

1. Players who feign tackles or injuries, and
2. Players who individually, or collectively whinge and moan at officials and don't "get on with the game".

Both were in abundance at Hartdown Park, Margate on Boxing Day where the home team drew 1-1 with close neighbours, Ramsgate FC. Some of you would have read this article which appeared on my main site towards the end of last season. Both teams were "up for it" back in April but yesterday, there was a nasty edge to Ramsgate's play which exemplified their desperation to finish above Margate in a league for the first time in 50 years.They may succeed come early May.

Much has been discussed in the media about players diving in the box to con the referee into awarding a penalty.This is now known in footballing circles as "simulation". One of the Ramsgate forwards, Steffan Ball, tried it on in the first-half, just in front of my commentary postion. He should, in my opinion, been given a yellow card or perhaps a junior Oscar. This started the big "Ramsgate whinge" which continued throughout the rest of the match and only to be interrupted when Ramsgate scored the opening goal just prior to the break.

Most of the talk after the match centred around an incident halfway through the second half. The Ramsgate goalscorer, Olly Shultz, sithed down Margate skipper, Rob Haworth. The tackle was one of those two-footed, off the ground and potentially career-ending tackles. He was shown a straight red and will face a three-match ban. Question is, is this adequate? Will a six-match or three-month ban get the message home to players? And Suppose Shultz had done this down your local High Street. He surely would have been arrested.

On a lighter note, it was great to see some of the Yorath family at Hartsdown Park. Dai (details) Dean, who played 33 times for the 'Gate and Terry Yorath. (Read this)

Happy New Year

Picture shows Margate winger Ryan Martin impersonating Cristiano Ronaldo

St Trinians 2007

St Trinians 2007 starring Russell Brand is now general release in the UK. Have you seen it yet?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Oscar Peterson Dies

London, UK

Another great legend passes away. Story here

Monday, December 24, 2007

Hava Nagila

Lauren Rose's version of Hava Nagila. Didn't quite make it to number one for Christmas.

Full story here

I did promise Mark Goldberg (her father)on BBC London's "Non League Show", I'd plug the record.

Mark, you owe me one!

And your wish list for 2008 is?

Here's Alan Caruba's

What's yours?

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Margate v Ramsgate, Boxing Day 1pm

The local derby everyone's been looking forward to!

Catch me and Steve Wells, live only on the Internet from Hartsdown Park on Boxing Day at 1pm. Go to

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jeremy Jacobs - man about town?

London, UK

As seen in today's London Evening Standard and elsewhere on the internet:

BBC London 94.9FM Non-League Football Show

London, UK

On Christmas Eve at 9pm, I'll be appearing with
Caroline Barker of BBC London and her guests David Watters and "Willie Wordsworth" of the Non League Daily. We'll be joined by Alan Alger of Blue Square Football

The only place to hear the show is on-line. See here for more details

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Will Smith at Leicester Square

London, UK

Here's a photo of Will at Leicester Square earlier this evening. See full story and LSQ photo here

Tonight on Leicester Square Television

Will Smith the UK Premiere of I am Legend. Dive into the LSQTV website here tonight.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Belgium - Civil Unrest?

London, UK

Could Belgium split in to two separate states? Read this article

This current news story from the on-line Daily Telegraph may have worsened matters between the Walloons and the Flemish.

Miss Belgium drawn into language feud

By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels

Belgium's newly crowned beauty queen has been drawn into the bitter political feud that has left Brussels without a government for six months after it emerged that she cannot speak the language used by half of the country.

Alizée Poulicek, a 20-year-old language student, was booed by the audience when she failed to respond to questions in Dutch before being crowned Miss Belgium at the weekend in Antwerp, in Dutch-speaking Flanders in the north of Belgium.

Miss Poulicek may be multilingual in French, English and Czech but political correctness demands she also speaks Dutch, the language spoken by Belgium's Flemish majority, whose demands for more autonomy are behind a political crisis that has lasted almost 200 days.

"I was shocked, it was not fair play," the beauty queen, the daughter of a Czech father and a Belgian mother, told the French-language newspaper La Dernière Heure. "In the wings, I told myself it was lost for me because of that but everyone encouraged me and told me it was not important."

The Flemish, comprising six million of Belgium's 10.4 million citizens, are increasingly demanding that public figures are tweetalig, or bilingual in Dutch and French.

The row illustrates the deep divisions in a country where tension between the Dutch-speaking Flemish and francophone Walloons has prevented the formation of a government since national elections on June 10. In a bid to end the crisis, Belgium's King Albert II has asked the caretaker prime minister, Guy Verhofstadt, to form an interim government.

Fidel Castro - The End of an Era?

London, UK

Reports from Havana tonight suggest that 80-year old Fidel Castro is about to step down as leader.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Will Smith Interview

London, UK

I am Legend premieres in Leicester Square next Wednesday. Here's Will Smith talking about it:

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Russell Brand as you've never seen him before

London, UK

Russell Brand popped along to a Hare Krishna temple. He's found a new religion. Talk a peak at this from today's on-line Daily Mail:

Russell ditches his wild side and gets a brand new religion

by DONNA McCONNELL - Last updated at 15:54pm on 13th December 2007

Motormouth comic Russell Brand appears to be seeking the path of enlightenment as he took time out to connect with his spiritual side at a Hare Krishna Temple.

The wild-haired one got into the spirit of things donning traditional flowing white robes, gladiator-style sandals and sitting in the lotus position among his fellow devotees.

Scroll down for more...

russell brand

Hairy Krishna: Russell Brand spent the day at a Hare Krishna temple and is said to be a spiritual devotee of the spiritual practice.

The Death of the United Kingdom?

London, UK

Democracy banned in European Parliament

trouble at mill

The European Parliament has censored its own television coverage to avoid showing a serious protest in the debating chamber in Strasbourg today.

A group of about 80 Eurosceptic MEPs protested loudly as the Charter of Fundamental Rights was signed, with the result that a huge section of UK sovereignty has been swallowed up by the EU.

As the demonstration started, TV cameras immediately killed all sound so that none of the protest could be heard and the cameras stayed away resolutely from the large block of protesters.

At one stage, The President of the Parliament, Hans Gert Pottering, asked them to leave the chamber. They refused.

The protest continued during speech by Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. However as he talked of "greater democracy for Europe" the TV pictures told a different story.

Mr Pottering shouted at the protesters accusing them of being "anti-democratic because they will not let our guests speak." He was met with cries of "Let the people speak."

UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage, one of the prime movers of the protest, said: "This is the new EU in action, showing the world a united face as they steamroll towards their own superstate while totally refusing to allow anyone to see a different point of view."

Furious at the protests, some MEPs resorted to rough tactics and one member of the European People's Party dragged a female observer from the Independence and Democracy Group out of the chamber and demanded her camera, which showed footage of the protest.

"The high point of this hypocrisy surely came at the end, when MEPs were invited to stand to listen to 'The European Anthem'," said Mr Farage.

"This, of course, is the anthem which is supposed to have disappeared. To their everlasting shame, British MEPs from the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties stood ramrod-straight to grant this piece of music national anthem status."

Mr Farage added: "Fortunately, cameras from the BBC and ITV were there, so at least there is a chance that people in Britain can actually see for themselves how this European Union stifles debate and refuses to allow legitimate political protest."

Football Memories

London, UK

This day, December 13th, there are two interesting results in the history of Margate Football Club. I mentioned one last month, here about the FA Cup clash with Yeovil in 1967. That 3-1 away victory was a great achievement for Margate who then lost to Peterborough United in Round 2.

A couple of years later, Margate, like many other senior non-league clubs at the time entered a new competition, the FA Trophy. I remember the draw being made for the 3rd Qualifying Round. It was to be either St Neots or Thorneycroft Athletic. This is a bit like Arsenal or Chelsea having to play Brentford or Rochdale in the FA Cup. Expecting an easy away win, I called the "away" results line. I rang back because I couldn't believe the 0-2 result. Margate FC's record since that time has been less than impressive.

The furthest Margate has reached in this competition was the 3rd round proper, when they were defeated by Runcorn (after a replay) in 1979, then to Morecambe in 2002 at the quarter-final stage. This season, Margate lost to Leamington (formerly AP Leamington) 1-0 in a 2nd qualifying round replay.

Ike dies

London, UK

Another star is no more. Ike Turner RIP

Russell Brand at Royal Variety Performance

London UK

What a performer!

Russell Brand @ Royal Variety Performance
Video sent by deep


London, UK

From the blog at on-line magazine, Management-Issues:

The annual Christmas quiz in UK lawyers' magazine Legal Business has raised eyebrows with questions such as "which female partner at a top City law firm was sent to Asia after she was caught having a threesome with two trainees – in the office?"

Other gems include asking the name of the firm where one secretary hospitalised another after hitting her with a champagne bottle in a fight at a party and which firm fired a trainee after they were sick on a partner at a Christmas dinner.

Intriguingly, the magazine says that it has never been threatened with legal action over the salacious quiz, despite featuring similar tales of misbehaviour for 14 years running.

As the magazine's editor, James Baxter, told the Evening Standard: "morality levels in the legal profession are directly linked to earnings, with one decreasing as the other increases."

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oustanding Blog

London, UK

As if my head wasn't big enough already!

Yours truly, or rather Jeremy Jacobs. com is in a list of oustanding bloggers by Trina Lamarche of the "Virtual Assistant Assistant".

Thanks Trina but what about Corporate Presenter?

The Golden Compass tops box office charts

London, UK

As expected The Golden Compass, starring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig
has topped the box office charts, according to a report on the BBC Website.

Climate Change Lies

London, UK

Alan Caruba pointed me in the direction of his Blog. He writes:

“Climate change is a non problem,” says Lord Christopher Monckton, a UK climate researcher. “The right answer to a non problem is to have the courage to do nothing.”

Of course, the 10,000 participants and observers at the United Nations conference on climate change are not there to “do nothing”, if you discount the handful of skeptics who are there to rip back the curtain to reveal what a complete fraud is occurring.

The United Nations is not a stranger to fraud. The Iraq Oil for Food fraud helped enrich a number of its officials. Its indifference to genocides and human rights offenses is well established, but its love of treaties in which to increase its power over sovereign nations is also well documented.

The global warming “crisis” has been created and pushed forward by the United Nations in the form of its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change whose various reports are replete with deception. Dr. Vincent Gray of New Zealand, an expert reviewer of every single draft of the IPCC reports, going back to its inception in 1990, says, “There is no evidence that carbon dioxide increases are having any effect whatsoever on the climate. It fails not only from the data, but it fails in the statistics, and the mathematics.”

On December 10, former Vice President Al Gore accepted a Nobel Prize for PEACE along with the IPCC. A panel of politicians, not scientists, awarded the prize. Moreover, what does the climate have to do with peace, unless perhaps one recalls that it was the Mini-Ice Age that drove Napoleon’s troops from Russia in defeat or that America’s Valley Force during the Revolution were also subject to conditions that caused even the Thames in London to freeze?

The Mini-Ice Age lasted from 1300 to around 1850. The earth has been warming ever since. It has nothing to do with human beings and everything to do with the Sun and other natural factors that determine the earth’s climate.

The charlatans behind the latest UN conference are not there to “do nothing.” They are there to impose limits on energy use that will have horrendous implications for any nation foolish enough to accept them.

The Kyoto Protocol needs to be allowed to expire. The world needs to do nothing about climate change because the human race can do nothing about climate change. Because the amount of carbon dioxide has nothing to do with climate change in that it follows a warming cycle, not precedes it. It changes nothing. It responds to change.

How difficult is that to understand?

Not difficult at all Alan.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Iain Dale's Diary: Quotes of the Day

Iain Dale's Diary: Quotes of the Day

Iain should have been with me at Leicester Square last night. He would have heard Russell Brand exclaim: "a lost Bronte sister - Bev Bronte".

Girls Aloud at St Trinians Premiere

Strutting their stuff on the red (amethyst actually) were Girls Aloud. You can catch a glimpse of them here, I think!

Caterina Murino

Was one of a number of stars I was able to chat to last night. Caterina was most elegant.

Photo courtesy of AskMen.Com

Colin Firth with Rupert Everett on LSQ TV

London, UK

These two along with Russell Brand were at the World Premiere of St Trinians in Leicester Square last night.

It's all here:

Sunday, December 09, 2007

and how was your 2007?

with just a couple of weeks to go until 2008, how's it been for you? Good, bad; indifferent, exciting; awful or plain crazy? I can't complain really (see here)

Now, who can we ask?

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Deborah Lipstadt

London, UK

Had the pleasure of listening to American historian Deborah Lipstadt last night.

As many of you will know, she was the author of the 1993 book "Denying The Holocaust". The book is about the "historian" David Irving who once claimed that more people died in Ted Kennedy's car at Chappaquidick than in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. More recently she has written "History on Trial". This is her story about her day in court with Irving.

Deborah spoke about the recent event at the Oxford Union. You can read about it on her Blog here

United Nations - again!

Like Yourish, I love this too:

I love this.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon slammed on Thursday Israel’s plan to build more than 300 new homes in an East Jerusalem neighborhood.”This new tender for 300 new homes in eastern Jerusalem, so soon after the Annapolis Middle East peace conference, I think is not helpful,” Ban said, noting that the United Nations had a consistent position on the illegality of such settlements.

The new housing would expand Har Homa, a Jewish neighborhood in an area Palestinians claim as capital of a future state. The Palestinians call the area Jabal Abu Ghneim.

So what is helpful?

Is this helpful?

Private mutterings aside, the world press was inundated a few days ago with photos of the Saudi king, Abdullah, strolling hand-in-hand with *President Ahmadinejad of Iran at the yearly Gulf Cooperation Council summit in Qatar. This year was the very first time since its inception in 1981 that the Gulf Cooperation Council, led by the Saudis, invited Iran to the love fest.

(via Deja Vu)

Is this helpful?

Muslim persecution of Christians is the major cause of the dwindling population of Christians in towns like Bethlehem.

Is this helpful?

Notice a pattern here? Abbas pretends to embrace the roadmap, but he utterly rejects any part of it where the PalArabs are asked to take any responsibility whatsoever. He knows that if the Palestinian Arabs need to pass any test whatsoever before reaching the next stage they will inevitably, invariably fail using any objective criteria. So this is why he insisted on skipping past Phase I and now phase II - he wants a state to be handed to his utterly incompetent, infantilized people on a silver platter.

Is this helpful?

It’s hard to figure out who is more incompetent here. The Palestinians, whose lionization of Hitler extends to glorifying his conquest of their European benefactors–or Europe, which is likely to give the perpetually corrupt PA the $6 billion it is requesting.

Every Arab rejection of moderation is ignored. Israel’s supposed to continue handing over land to people who publicly call for its destruction. But the moment Israel plan to build anything it’s not helpful. At some point don’t you have to ask if the premise of the peace process is mistaken?

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

Previous: Syria puts on the big boy pants || Home || Next: Eight Video Nights of Chanukah: Fourth night

One Response to “Not helpful”

  1. Yankev Says:

    Settlement? Settlement? I haven’t seen Har Homa, but I’ve seen Ramat Eshkol and Givat Hamivtar, which, like Har Homa, are in parts of Yerushalayim that until June 1967 were under unlawful Jordanian occupation. (In fact, they are right next to Ammunition Hill, where the Jordanian troops stockpiled munitions during that war.) They don’t look much like settlements; in the U.S., we would call them “neighborhoods.”

* - Holocaust denier

St Trinians - Opens December 21st

But the Premiere is next week. Monday in fact. LSQ TV will be there.

Look out for Rupert Everett, Colin Firth and those terrible St Trinians girls!

What a scoop!

What do you think about this interview with Jerry Seinfeld talking about Bee Movie?

The Golden Compass

Are you planning to see it?

Here's the fun from the premiere last week:

Friday, December 07, 2007

FA Cup - 2nd Round round-up

Here's my article which has appeared on the BBC London 94.9FM Non-League Show website:


You are in: London > Sport > Non League Football > Features > FA Cup - Round Two review

Neil Sharp [© David Haines]

©David Haines

FA Cup - Round Two review

Jeremy Jacobs takes a look at the highs and lows of the FA Cup Round Two games

I’m feeling a little chuffed after this weekend's FA Cup 2nd Round matches. I predicted, in my last article of a couple of weeks ago, that Havant & Waterlooville would overcome Notts County. They did 1-0.

Not the best of goals but a win is a win is a win! The Hawks, who were formed just nine years ago (a merger of Waterlooville FC and Havant) now face the victors of the Swansea City/Horsham FC clash.

Horsham, managed by former Crawley Town goalie, John Maggs, fought back to equalise with a penalty in the mud and rain at Queen Street last Friday night. Sixty years ago, Horsham had their first taste of the FA Cup Proper. They lost 9-1 to Notts County. I don’t believe there will be such a scoreline at the Liberty Stadium for the replay on December 11th.

In the draw for the 3rd Round is Chasetown. The “Scholars” as they are known, held Port Vale 1-1 and have the prospect of playing Cardiff City at home should they beat their “Potteries” opponents. This was a tremendous result for the Midlanders who were only formed as a junior side in the 1950s.

Much was expected of Staines Town of the Ryman Premier, particuarly after they put out Stockport County, albeit on penalties, in the last round.

In the run up to their home tie with Peterborough United, Staines players and officials, when interviewed by the BBC, were hoping for another upset. Fatal. Darren Ferguson’s side, probably riled by the comments gave hapless Staines a lesson in quality football. They took a three-goal half-time lead with two more following in the second-half.

In the end, they could have scored nine or ten. All goals were scored by former non-league stars. Craig Mackail-Smith, the former Dagenham and St Albans striker moved his Cup tally this season to seven and Aaron McLean, once of Aldershot, also scored. Staines were lucky to get nought!

Up t’North, Harrogate Railway FC in their distinctive red and green parrot-style kit, gave Mansfield a run for their money. When Mansfield scored their third and killer goal, Harrogate seemed to run out of steam!

Elsewhere, Oxford United and Burton Albion live to fight another day but Torquay, following their heroics against Yeovil in the last round, succumbed to Brighton. Kidderminster and Rushden also fell by the wayside.

In the only Blue Square Premier tie, Cambridge United beat Weymouth and now face a glamorous tie at Wolves.

last updated: 07/12/07

You are in: London > Sport > Non League Football > Features > FA Cup - Round Two review

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Starting an Internet Business?

Then read this post from Loic Le Meur's Blog

Popular Google Searches

According to a recent survey, the most popular Google UK searches are:

I hate men

Take That tickets

Eurostar Tickets

The Golden Compass Tickets

Spice Girls Tickets

Chanukah - Festival of Lights


In Golders Green, a communal Menorah was lit to denote the second night of Chanukah.

The Hebrew word Chanukah means "dedication." In the 2nd century BCE, the Syrian-Greek regime of Antiochus sought to pull Jews away from Judaism, with the hopes of assimilating them into Hellenism -- Greek culture. Antiochus outlawed aspects of Jewish observance -- including the study of Torah -- which began to decay the foundation of Jewish life and practice. During this period, many of the Jews began to assimilate into Greek culture, taking on Greek names and marrying non-Jews.

In response, a band of courageous Jews took to the hills of Judea in open revolt against this threat to Jewish life. Led by Matitiyahu, and later his son Judah the Maccabee ("The Hammer"), this small band of pious Jews led guerrilla warfare against the Syrian army.

Antiochus sent thousands of well-armed troops to crush the rebellion -- but the Maccabees succeeded in driving the foreigners from their land.

Jewish fighters entered Jerusalem in December, 164 BCE. The Holy Temple was in shambles, defiled and desecrated by foreign soldiers. They cleansed the Temple and re-dedicated it on the 25th day of the Jewish month of

Kislev. When it came time to re-light the Menorah, they searched the entire Temple, but only one small jar of oil bearing the pure seal of the High Priest could be found. Miraculously, the small jar of oil burned for eight days, until a new supply of oil could be brought.

From then on, Jews have observed a holiday for eight days in honor of this historic victory and the miracle of the oil.

Today, the observance of Chanukah features the lighting of a special Chanukah menorah with eight branches (plus a helper candle), adding one new candle each night. Other customs include spinning the dreidel (a top with Hebrew letters on the sides), eating "oily" foods like potato latkes (pancakes) and sufganiyot (jelly donuts), and giving Chanukah gelt (coins) to children.

More reading:

1. Channukah is NOT "Jewish Christmas". Read here

2. The Jews and the Greeks. God's business

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Tonight on JCom Radio

London, UK



Jeremy Jacobs

After a great month at 101.4FM, I’m back in the studio for JCom radio on the Internet at

Tune in tomorrow (Tuesday), December 4th at 8.00pm – 9.00pm.

On the show, live from the US, will be political commentator and writer Alan Caruba

Alan Caruba has been a professional writer and public relations counselor for more than four decades. His expertise on a range of public affairs issues has made him a popular guest on talk radio and on television.Prior to establishing The Caruba Organization, Mr. Caruba was a professional journalist; a reporter and editor with two weekly newspapers in New Jersey and a columnist and feature writer for a New Jersey daily. In addition, he was a freelance contributor to the New Jersey Sunday section of The New York Times. A reflection of his activities as the founder of both the Institute and Center, Mr. Caruba has been a popular guest on radio shows throughout the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. He does many radio shows every year in addition to the occasional guest appearance on television. He has been on programs aired by Fox News Channel, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, and other networks. He has appeared with Paula Zahn, Chris Matthews, Joan Rivers, Regis Philbin, and other leading TV personalities. Talkers Magazine has called him "one of the great guests of talk radio."

Call the Studio on 020 3239 8899 or Text 07781 486242

Email me at

Monday, December 03, 2007

The alternative BBC Blog

World's most ridiculous name..........

Is here

Thanks to Groanin' Jock

Top Cat

Did you know there's a record breaking cat living in Shropshire? The animal is 26 years old. Read all about it here

I wonder if my mother's cat (right) will surpass or surpuss 26 years of age?

Political Awards

Iain Dale has posted this about the finalists for the Channel 4 Political Awards of 2007. On the list is Harriet Harman. Beggars belief doesn't it. Comedy Awards would be more appropriate.

Who would be on your list for an award?

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Colour Quiz

Just taken the colour quiz that I've saw at Shades. I answered the questions instinctively and bearing in mind my favourite colour is purple (the most regal of colours) I was still shocked by the result. Not going to split hairs over dark-violet or purple.

you are darkviolet

Your dominant hues are blue and magenta. You're the one who goes to all the parties but doesn't quite fit in at every one... you know what you want, but are afraid of what the world might think of it. You're a little different and that's okay with them, and if you're smart it's okay with you too.

Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.

Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up.
the html color quiz

Mind The Gap

Many of you would heard the story about a lady with the wonderful speaking voice who was sacked by London Underground. OK, perhaps she was unwise to "have a dig" but to sack her?

Smacks of the same sort of management thinking I wrote about a few weeks ago.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Facebook Ban (2)

Flipchart Fairytales has posted a beautiful post about the subject I raised last week.

Did you hear about this? Kent County Council have banned their *32000 employees from using the social utility Facebook.

Employers are great at disciplining staff aren't they? If they spent as much time getting people to "buy-in" to the culture (I know it isn't easy in the public sector) of their organization, valued them more their staff just might do a better and more committed job. Perhaps then they wouldn't feel the need to spend time at Facebook or going outside for a fag.

This sort of thing is so typical of British management. Minimalist, narrow-minded, old-fashioned and unnecessary.

Violence in our schools

London, UK

One of the blogs I reguarly dip into is "Thanet Life" by Dr Simon Moores. Simon is also a Conservative councillor for the Westgate-on-Sea ward on Thanet Council. In one of his latest posts he outlined the seemingly growing problem of violence in schools. You can read it here

One of the comments though really blew me over. Well constructed and hard-hitting "anonymous" (probably a fellow Margate FC supporter) told things as they are. I'd like to add that our education system has also failed to teach our youngsters in the art of ball control from an early age. Hardly surprising that it takes foreign footballers to show our us how to play the national game. Here's "anonymous's" reply in full:

I think I have told this story on thread before .... however here we go:

My wife bought an old barber's mirror because she liked the frame. The mirror rattled a little in the frame so she asked me to fix it.

I soon realised that someone had fixed it before because backing the mirror, inside the frame, was a layer of newspaper.

I read the reports.

There was a report of a classroom incident for which both teacher and pupil were in court. It appears that the lad had refused punishment from the teacher. The teacher had grabbed the lad and a struggle ensued in which the teacher beat the lad's head against the wall. The lad stuck the nut into the teacher and, with more experience "On the cobbles" even at 13 years of age, begat giving teacher a hiding. Teacher ran to his desk and produced a bayonet. Lad, pre-emptively, gets out his own jackknife and stabs teacher.

Then there was a report on an innovative approach to juvenile crime. Trade training. Equipping young rascals with the skills to earn a living and develop self respect. Abandon the barbaric concept of punishment and embrace rehabilitation. And so the new enlightenment piece went on.

The newspaper was from London in the 1890s.

My late father told me about the ...... boys he went to school with in the 30s in Ipswich. The woodwork teacher could not even cow them with a smack from a lump of four by two. The old fella admits to almost feeling sorry for the Germans because the ----- boys all joined up in 1940. Commandos, paras etc. But the old chap joined the RN ended up fighting alongside Italian partisans and thinking "Thank God we got people like the ----- boys on our side" and "f-ck the Germans"

There is nothing new in school violence.

In Thanet there was a new innovation. Magna Carta commits the monarch to appointing as constables only men who know the law and who keep it well. So how come Thanet unilaterally departs from that and the Pc Schools Liaison officer was a convicted criminal liar ? What message does that send ?

We live in the age of the internal combustion engine and three phase electricity. Yet we have an education system which does not teach it. Nor does it teach first aid, lifesaving, self defence etc etc

The education system should strive to change the curriculum and make itself relevant. It has been a particularly offensive joke, causing immense damage to the national economy and to public standards, since WW2.

One of my grand daughters was bullied at school. She took up kick boxing (aged 8). came home from school in trouble. She had decked the bully and stuck the boot in once the other girl was down.

I told her "Well done".

And if the bully's parents want some then old grand dad will be happy to oblige.

This is the reality. The only choice is whether or not to be a victim.

Do you like Facebook?

Well the Wall Street Journal certainly does. Graham Jones highlights a new Facebook application called Beacon. Read all about it here

The Foreign Office Blog

Another interesting read for those who like to follow our Foreign Secretary, David Miliband

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Spy Blog

London, UK

This is an interesting find and a good read too. If you are concerned about civil liberties and "Big Brother" type issues then bookmark it.


Great photo from Norman Roberts' Blog

Best Blog Post of 2007 (No. 2)

This from October:

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Natasha Kaplinksky Goes

Oh dear, the Strine tart at the Daily Mail, Amanda Platell, has had a dig at the lovely and talented Natasha Kaplinsky. Calling her Spangles (don't know why), she writes at the Mail on-line:

Spangles or Moira - it's no contest

Oh happy days! Spangles Kaplinsky is leaving the BBC to become the face of Channel Five News (they'll have to get the brains from elsewhere).

Now perhaps we can look forward to the return of the polished and comforting Sophie Raworth (elbowed out by Spangles while she was on maternity leave) or the arrival of the charming and talented Kate Silverton.

And with viewing figures for Five News just a tenth of what she got at the BBC, at least Spangles will finally get the audience she deserves.

If the reports are to be believed, Miss Kaplinsky will be paid £1million a year.

Me? I suspect that's just her make-up budget.

..................and what right has Platypus to say such horrible things? She goes on:

Still, it's a testament to the warped priorities of TV today that in the same week that Spangles secured her whopper deal, Britain's most respected female newscaster of them all was finally axed by the BBC.

Goodbye Moira Stuart. God knows, we'll miss you.

I've written about Moira here and up to a point I agree with her views but to suggest Sophie Raworth and Kate Silverton are better than Natasha is absurd. I suspect there's a little hint of jealousy here. Come on now Amanda just because you wish you were back advising the Conservative Party. (Rumour has it she didn't even vote on one occasion)

Jeremy Jacobs

Friday, November 30, 2007

Weekly Round-up from Leicester Square TV

What an amazing few days its been - Daniel Craig, Nicole Kidman; Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt; Sir Michael Caine, Dustin Hoffman; Jude Law, and many more. Check them all out at LSQ TV

Thursday, November 29, 2007

FA Cup 2nd Round Proper

London, UK

It's the FA Cup 2nd Round Proper this weekend. It's that time of year when the smaller clubs have the opportunity to advance to the 3rd Round and meet one of the "big boys" like Arsenal, Liverpool or Manchester United of the Premiership. Some of those smaller clubs are from outside the Football League

The two fixtures that stand out for me are Horsham v Swansea City (playing Friday night) and Staines v Peterborough United. Both Horsham and Staines play in the same league as my club Margate and both play teams that Margate have played previously in the FA Cup. In the 1972/3 season, Margate beat Swansea (then of League Division 3, now League One) 1-0. Four years earlier, Peterborough United beat Margate 4-0 in front of over 7000 spectators at Hartsdown Park.

The last time Margate had the opportunity to reach the 3rd Round was 5 years ago. After beginning their FA Cup campaign with a 2-1 victory over Gravesend & Northfleet (now affectionately known as Ebbsfleet United) in the 4th qualifying round, the 'Gate beat Leyton Orient 1-0 after a 1-1 draw at Brisbane Road. Due to the ground re-development at Margate, the victory over Leyton O. and the ensuing 2nd round clash with Cardiff City were played at Crabble, the home of Dover Athletic

In front of BBC "Match of the Day" cameras, Margate lost 3-0. But hit the woodwork twice.

Bernard Manning Jokes


In June, I posted this on the passing of comedian, Bernard Manning.

Friday, June 22, 2007

13 Great Bernard Manning jokes

A question to the PC brigade. What's so terrible about these? OK, so one or two are a little rude. (Tip - Blognor Regis and Shooting Parrots)

Two old maids on a beach, streaker ran past, one had a stroke, the other one couldn’t

Man says to his wife: ‘Pack your bags, I’ve won the pools.’
She says: ‘What should I pack? Something light, something warm? Where are we going?’
He says: ‘We’re going nowhere. Just pack your bags and f*** off.’

I don’t believe Scots are as tight as people say, but I did hear that when two taxis collided in
Glasgow recently 48 people were injured.

I also like the one about the boatload of Viagra that went down in Loch Ness — and the
monster came up.

I went to see that Pavarotti last week and he was a right miserable git. He doesn’t like it
when you join in.

So David, what about the stick after the Argentinian game?
Oh, she was fine with it.

I feel sorry for people that don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning, that’s
the best they’re going to feel all day.

I once got sacked for laughing. I was driving a hearse.

Tony Adams, on his first day in prison, was complaining because he wanted the walls back 12

A Scouser went to a prostitute. She said, ‘Do you want a b*** job?’ He said, ‘Will it affect me
dole money?’

What’s the difference between an Iraqi woman and a pilchard? One’s ugly, greasy, with
bulging eyes. The other’s a fish.

Quasimodo was running down the street chased by a group of kids. He said, ‘For the last
time, I haven’t got your football.’

I went to Anfield the other day to watch a match. A scouse lad said, ‘Can I mind your car for
you mister?’
I said, ‘No! And for your information, there’s a Rottweiler in the back.’ The lad said: ‘Put out
fires, can he?’

Bernard Manning R.I.P.

The Golden Compass with Nicole Kidman

Yet another plug for Leicester Square TV. Our first really big Premiere coincided with the launch of LSQ TV

As you'll see from the website, Nicole Kidman looked terrific and my co-presenter Claire enjoyed her brief chat with Daniel Craig.

For those of you who are Facebook freaks there is, of course, a Leicester Square TV group.

Pigeon for lunch?

Annapolis or Arabpolis?

Just read Melanie Phillips here

I do worry about US foreign policy sometimes.