Quote of the Day
Got this from Dr Simon Moore's brilliant Blog
"Quote of the Day".
Life must be understood backwards; but... it must be lived forward. Soren Kierkegaard more Famous Quotes
Got this from Dr Simon Moore's brilliant Blog
"Quote of the Day".
Life must be understood backwards; but... it must be lived forward. Soren Kierkegaard more Famous Quotes
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Friday, September 29, 2006
Labels: free speech, political blogs, rant
Look most of you are probably aware that I'm not the most patient of individuals. Now just imagine the scene......................a Nat West bank branch in the East Finchley area of North London and it's Friday lunchtime, there's about 12 people in the queue and there's one and a half staff on duty. Half, you say. Yes half, as the person concerned was being supervised by a supervisor. For what purpose I can't possibly imagine. It can't be to improve customer "service".
I uttered a few words of disgust starting with "Nat West, or Nat Worst" to a fellow sufferer, before nearly launching into a tirade of "!?**%£*&?! at the pathetic looking and deservedly underpaid members of this ghastly institution.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Friday, September 29, 2006
Labels: corporate issues, corporate video, Current Affairs
Quite unbelievable - one of British television's stalwart presenter from the 60's and 70's and a WW2 Spitfire pilot passes away on Battle of Britain Memorial Day (although he never fought in the skies over Southern England in 1940)
The BBC website carries the story in full.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Friday, September 15, 2006
Labels: corporate presenter, presenter, voice
In a few minutes it'll be Battle of Britain Day. In my opinion this ought to be made a Bank Holiday along with October 21st, Trafalgar Day. Notwithstanding the arguments a few weeks ago about the importance of the "few", September 15th, 1940 remains an important day in this islands great history.
There's a service of rememberance at Westminster Cathedral on Sunday.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Labels: democracy, general-discussion, political blogs, politics, tv presenter
An exciting start to the autumn months, or depression in the knowledge that summer fun is now at an end?
Either way, we just have to get on with it, don't we. Very soon the long summer evenings will finally draw to a close and the wind and rain will claim their respective places in our lives.
I'm not at all bothered by this - I'm really getting into the training and looking forward to my adventure next February.
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Monday, September 04, 2006
Labels: corporate issues, corporate presenter, Current Affairs, free speech, general-discussion
Flushed with success from last night's London Corinthians meeting, I was asked afterwards by a couple of new members as to how one becomes a professional public speaker.
1. Learn how to speak. Joining London Corinthians or other Toastmaster International clubs is a first great stepping stone. After a period of time, you can join the PSA
2. Get a website
3. Learn how to market yourself. My colleague at the PSA, Graham Jones , has some great advice.
4. Start blogging!
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Friday, September 01, 2006
Labels: presnting, public-speaking, voice, voice-over