Sunday, January 20, 2008

Domestic Violence - do men suffer?

London, UK

This morning on BBC London 94.9 Erin Pizzey, (whose work was the forerunner of Womens Aid) was discussing the latest issues concerning domestic violence. Erin is a remarkable woman and was so right when she mentioned that officialdom had nearly prevented her from expanding her network of refuges. She said that this is typical of the Anglo-Saxon "stiff upper-lip" attitude of not discussing or failing to recognise issues surrounding domestic violence. I wonder how many of you would agree with her?

Also mentioned in the media in the past few days was domestic violence purportrated against men which is far worse than previously reported. When I gave a talk on this subject at my Toastmasters Club three years ago, my research at the time indicated that 1 man in 15 (whose in a long-term relationship) suffered abuse - much of it violent. Figures now suggest it's 1 man in 6.
I find that hard to believe but late last night on Radio 5 Live I heard that a recent survey suggested that 40% of women in long-term relationships would like to leave their partners if they had the wherewithall to do so. This, on the other hand doesn't surprise me. I've always been of the view that only a third of all marriages or long-term relationships are successful. i.e. where both parties are kind and supportive of each other and give each other space.

1 comment:

Ellee Seymour said...

It's all very sad indeed, why should people find it so hard to live in peace together.