Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Don't Forget To E-Mail

London, UK

Internet psychologist Graham Jones has written another hard-hitting post about Twitter. He points out the pitfalls of doing too much with social networking sites and not enough with plain e-mailing for business.

Jones says, "As an example, I sell five times as many ebooks using email campaigns than I do via social networking site. I'm not alone either - Tesco and Amazon produce significant returns via email marketing and only use social networking in comparatively minor ways".

Ed. I think that quote speaks volumes. He could though use a Twitter client called Tweetlater. Tweetlater sends "tweets" at regular intervals. The downside to tweets is they are limited to 140 characters. Too short, in my view for an effective message.


lady macleod said...

I'm sure his books are valid and his pr campaigns sound good but I'm still giggling a bit at "Internet psychologist"...

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Jeremy Jacobs said...

Thanks Hapi

Jeremy Jacobs said...

Lady Macleod, Graham is a top guy when it comes to understanding the Internet.