Adelaide Green Porridge Cafe: Goodbye
Adelaide Green Porridge Cafe: Goodbye
AGPC posted this a little earlier.Yvonne de Carlo is no more.
James Brown, Gerald Ford, Charlie Drake, Carlo Ponti, who's next?
Adelaide Green Porridge Cafe: Goodbye
AGPC posted this a little earlier.Yvonne de Carlo is no more.
James Brown, Gerald Ford, Charlie Drake, Carlo Ponti, who's next?
Posted by
Jeremy Jacobs
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Uh...let me You?
Please don't let it be Peter Davison...please...
wouldn't like to speculate
Well I have a thing about it not being Peter Davison...yes he is 56 but to me he's still 29....
Let me just clarify those's March 1981 and I'm 4 and it's part four of Logopolis and I'm like (to use the modern parlance) what....the....****
No comprendar senor!
Are you not a fan of Doctor Who? I thought everyone was. During 1981s _Logopolis_ Peter Davison took over from Tom Baker as the world's favourite Time Lord.
Or so I am told.
Of course dear boy. But being a tad older, I'm a Terry Nation,Patrick Troughton sort of DR Who fan. They did some filming at Margate once.
Dr Who, Dixon of Dock Green.
Proper television for proper people!
Now look here, there is nothing wrong with Pat (what was he doing in Margate, was that 1980s "The Leisure Hive" or was that Brighton?)....but Peter Davison is where it's at, and if/when he shuffles off this mortal coil...nothing will ever be the same.
It'll be the end.
But the moment will have been prepared for...
Personally I liked Z Cars. Dixon of Dock Green was a bit sedate for my group. I mean the signature tune was like a Hovis Commercial, unlike Z Cars. That got the blood racing.
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